Ch. 9

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---Simon's POV---

I walk with him towards his house, he can see that he feeling a bit better, I know deep down that he has not told me everything about what happened in the car accident, there is something he is still not telling me, I understand why, he does not really know me. He was practically forced to tell me what was going on, just because he was having a full on panic attack. He did not really have a choice. 

"want to stop, get ice cream or something?" I ask him as we are walking past an Ice cream shop. 

"I don't have any money on me" Harry says as he shakes his head

"I'll pay"

"No, I can't ask you to do that, I'll just walk home and get some"

"don't be silly, you can pay me back when we get to your house, You also look like you need a pick me up after what happened before" I say and smile

"It's not a problem, I can walk home, I'll be like 10 minutes" Harry says, he is clearly not used to this friends thing.

"Harry you can pay me back, It's OK" I say and I drag him into the ice cream shop, I ask him to pick out whatever he wants, then I tell him to find a table so we can sit down. He is not used to this kinda thing so I'm the one that leads the way. 

"so is this what friends do?" He asks and I can tell he feels very awkward and unsure about this hole thing.

"yeah, friends do this" I say and smile at him,

"I'm sorry I'm terrible at this" He blurts out, looking down, I can see that he clearly feels ashamed about this. 

"It's OK, I was very shy once, Ethan and Josh were my only friends, but as Ethan is really bubbly and a happy go lucky person so he made friends with JJ, Tobi and Vikk, and as it turns out we like pretty much the same things, so yeah, a friendship was made"

"It's not just that I'm shy, I find it very hard to talk to people, like I feel like I'm bothering them and that everyone hates me." He is opening up to me, I need to show him that I care.

"why would you think that?" I ask, I feel concerned

"I don't know, It's like a feeling I get, Like that I'm bothering everyone, and that they don't want me around."

"Is that why you don't talk to people?"

"kinda yeah, I don't want to be a bother to everyone, and I'm just in the way" he says and now he is just picking at his ice cream with his spoon. (they got it in a box, not a cone)

---Harry's POV---

It did not feel to awkward to be with Simon, I felt nice, this is the first time in years that I've actually talked to somebody. We stayed in the Ice cream shop for about an hour before we started walking again, It was so nice, I had not really felt like I was missing out on this friend thing, but now I see that I need someone else to talk to other than my dad, I mean my dad is great and all, but sometimes I just need to talk to someone my own age. We talk all the way back to my house and I feel a lot better. 

"Thank you for today!" I say as we arrive at my front door

"no problem, sorry for giving you a panic attack" Simon says and laughs, he has such a great laugh.

"that was not your fault" I say and I smile.

"well lets just hope that it does not happen again. OK" Simon says to me and then we say goodbye and he walks off. I look at him as he walks away and I feel happy, even though I just had a panic attack, I was so happy that he actually cared enough to help me trough it and not just run away like Cal did when I had a panic attack in front off him 2 1/2 years ago, he did not even talk to me for a week after that, I understand that I freaked him out because I just started screaming and crying, but as my friend he should have stayed.

My dad comes to the door as I walk up to the house, he is smiling

"who was that boy?"

"Simon Minter"

"a new friend?"

"to soon to tell, but yeah hopefully we can remain friends" I say and smile at my dad

"Well I'm happy for you!"

"thanks dad"

"now help me make dinner, what do you like?" My dad asks me as we walk to the kitchen and start putting something together. I feel very happy inside, maybe I can do this. 

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