Ch. 10

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---Simon's POV---

He is so sweet, and cute and just all around adorable, why can't I stop thinking about him? This is actually insane how much I already care for the guy and we have been talking for like 2 days now. I feel so protective over him, I feel the need to keep him safe and happy. My phone then rings snapping my out off my thoughts that were going at almost 100 mph.

"Hey Si" Ethan yells on the phone


"what's up?"

"nothing much, just walking back from Harry's place"

"ohh really, what happened there?" I could just hear it in his voice that he was hinting at something, he knows I'm bi, and he knows I find Harry cute, to be honest who would not find him cute, but that is beside the point 

"yeez calm down, I didn't fuck him, we just got ice cream and talked for a bit"

"owwww so cute!! Your first date!!" Ethan laughed,

"fuck off Ethan, it was not a date" I yell at the phone,

"what was not a date?" JJ asks as he comes up behind my back, making me jump and scream like a little girl. JJ and Ethan both died laughing, they had been watching me from behind the bushes and now they were at my side. I should have known, the bastards. 

"fuck you both, that was not cool!!" I yell at them,

"ohh Si, you know you love it" JJ says as he starts walking and me and Ethan follow him.

"So there is a party at Cal's on Friday, are you going or no?" JJ asks us

"yeah sure" Ethan says

"yeah could be fun" I say

"I think everyone is going to be there" JJ said and smiled, he loved to party, he loved everything that meant he could socialize. He was the life off the party, always had the best story's and he was the person that everyone wanted to hang with when it came to these sorts off thing.

"Do you mind if I invite Harry with us?" I ask

"no pliz do, I think it could be fun, I mean he is probably invited already, he is in the same class as Cal and co, and I've seen Cal talk to him a few times" JJ said, I just smile, JJ knows everyone in the school, It's actually scary how many people he knows.

(Party time)

---Harry's POV---

I just got invited to a party, what the fuck was that, it was at Cal's, I don't know if I should feel hurt that he did not invite me himself, or if I should just be happy that someone did want me there and cared to invite me. Simon wanted me there, but I was not sure if I wanted to go, It was at Cal's and if Cal had wanted me there he would have invited me there himself. So I was clearly not meant to be there.

"I don't know if I can do this" I say to Simon as he comes to pick me up, we are going to be walking there as it's only 3 streets away. Simon was going to park here and walk with me so I did not have to go in alone, he knows how much I hate that, I often end up running away if I'm in these kinds off position. I don't know what it is, it just makes me feel like I'm not welcome and people don't want me there if I go alone. I know that I'm mostly just being stupid, but I just can't help it. 

"you will be fine" Simon tells me and smiles, he has the best smile ever, it makes me feel a bit better.

"but Cal didn't invite me, he clearly does not want me there"

"wait? He didn't? But your hole class is going, JJ heard them all talking about how awesome it would be"

"yeah that happens a lot, I'm not in this class, like more than half off them don't even know my name"

"but we have seen Cal talk to you"

"yeah, we used to be good friends, now he only talks to me if he needs help in class or to copy my homework."

"why did you stop being good friends?"

"after the car accident, firstly I did not come to school for like 4 weeks, I got panic attacks all the time, a car could not blow the horn, and I would be gone, I mean Cal saw when it happened one time and he just ran away, he just left me on the side off the road, and then I got more and more self-conscious about it  and I just stopped talking to everyone, I did not really expect a bunch off 12 year olds to hang around and wait for me to be ready, they just moved on without me" I confess to Simon and sit down on my bed.

"I'm so sorry" I hear him say as he sits down on my bed beside me.

"there is nothing to be sorry about, It just sort off happened, I don't know why, but there must be a reason for it" I say and smile,

"we should be getting going, and don't worry, you can hang with me the entire night if you don't feel computable there, I know social situations are not really your thing" I just smile and nod, Simon is such a good friend to me, I like him a bit more than a friend though, I'm just not ready to ruin our friendship by telling him anything, I'm just going to wait a little longer, maybe a year, yeah a year is a good time.

We walk down the stairs at my house and my dad is downstairs, he is just smiling at me

"what?" I ask smiling at him

"I'm just proud off you"

"Why?" I ask surprised 

"that you are actually going to the party" he said to me and then he pulled me into a hug

"thanks dad"

"have fun, I will see you in the morning, don't worry about getting home on time, just text me when you are on your way back OK"

"thanks dad" I say and hug him

"have fun boys" he then calls after us as we exit the door, my dad is such a great guy, shame he can't take his own advice on getting out there. He wants me to do it, but he does not do it himself. 

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