Ch. 20

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---Harry's POV---

I feel that I'm about to lose control off myself at any moment, the boys are not going to stop, now I feel every one looking at me, no that is not what I want, I can't do this. I want everyone to stop looking at me like I'm a freak! am I a freak? 

"what is it Harry, afraid that everyone will find out" Callum says and I can see his smug face, he is enjoying this way to much, of course he is, he has always gotten off by putting others down, he does not like me much after the party incident. Well I did brake his nose,

"leave me alone" I whisper

"what did you say? Speak up" Joe says,

"leave me alone" I say a little higher

"why don't you want to tell everyone about your PTSD? You have it don't you?" Cal says, I feel very attacked right now, I want to dart out off there, I want to go right now, I just want to go. But I also don't want to make a scene, I'm making a scene anyway, I'm shaking, everyone is looking at me, I can't do this, where is Simon, I need him right now. I need him to calm me down. 

"Stop, just stop" I beg, I feel like I'm about to start crying, I don't want to, but I just don't think I can hold it together for much longer. 

"leave him alone Callum" I hear the teacher say and I can feel that I'm the center off attention, everyone is looking at me, I can't stand it. They are not going to drop this, they are not going to stop.

"can you tell us why you have PTSD?" Joe whispered to me, after the class had settled down a bit.

"fuck off" I whisper back, I can't even look at them, I'm braking down, I can just feel it, I want to scream at them. But that would just make everything worse than it already is, I don't know what I should do. 

"was it your fault that your family died?" Callum whispered to me, I look at him at first in shock that he had actually used my family's death to get me down, that was very uncalled for. 

"shut up" I say and now they are just making me angry, I want to get out off there right now, I need to get out off there at this very moment, I'm going to snap.

"OHH it was, you are the reason everyone died, how did you manage that?" Callum said and now I look at him with real anger in my eyes, I just can't hold it in any longer, I stand up.

"Sit down Harry" I hear my teacher say

"take that back!" I say to Callum, standing over him, I'm ready to punch him.

"what? I didn't say anything!" He says and smiles at me

"Harry Lewis, sit down now" the teacher says to me and now she is walking over to us,

"I will not sit down until he takes it back" I scream at her, I did not mean to scream at her, my emotions are all over the place, I just need Simon there, but he is not.

"Harry, now" She says and I see Callum and Joe smiling at me as I sit down and then when she is back at her desk Joe whisperers to me

"you killed them didn't you, It's your fault that they are all dead" 

"Fuck off!" I spit back

"It's probably for the best, your poor mom, how would she cope if she found out she raised a little gay boy? " Joe said and I just lose it I punch him in his jaw, making him fall off his chair.

"HARRY LEWIS" I hear my teacher say to me as she runs over to Joe who was whining. He claimed not to have said anything. But all off us were sent to the principle office,

"Class dismissed, I can't trust these 4 idiot's to not fight each other on the way" she said and she was pissed, I wanted to say sorry to her, but this was probably not the best time. She walked us all the way to the principle's office and I could already tell that they were going to gang up on me, there was just no way out off this for me, I just started to cry, tears were coming fast, I was trying to stop them but I just can't. now I have to explain myself to the principle and I just know he is going to believe these idiot's over me. 

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