Ch. 4

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----Simon's POV-----

I saw him at school, some freshman, he looked lost, he was not sitting with anyone, I guess he is shy. He looks so cute, I really want to get to know him.

"What are you staring at?" Ethan, my best friend asks me, we have known each other our hole life, our fathers are best friends, he is also the first person that I told I was gay. No one outside my group off friends knows that.

"umm... I saw this new guy, he is kinda cute"

"who?" Ethan said looking around so I take his hand and point it to where Harry is sitting, he is just sitting alone in a corner and on his phone

"loner, I see, what do you think is wrong with him?" Ethan laughs 

"I don't think there is anything wrong with him, I think he is just shy, he looks like he is just a little bit socially awkward " I say before we walk away, I can't stop thinking about this boy, but there are almost 10.000 student's in our school, the chance off me actually speaking to him are so slim, I should be going for someone my own age, not some freshman, but he just looked so cute. I really want to talk to him, but I'm not to good at starting a conversation. 

Me and my friends go to the shops after school, just to  buy something to drink, I saw him in again, he looked lost, I tried to talk to him, but he clearly found it awkward, I should not have said anything about him hitting himself in the head, I guess that threw him a little, he looks like a lost puppy, I find this overwhelming feeling that I need to protect him, I want to protect him. He looks so alone and scared, he also just said that his dad never leaves the house, what is that about?

---Harry's POV---

"are you OK" someone asks me, I don't really know if I want to answer him, I feel scared, I just want to go

"I... I just" I start but I don't know what to say,

"you don't want to talk about it?" Simon asks me and I just nod,

"wanna come with us for a drive, Josh and I both have cars" I hear Simon ask me and he points to the guy standing next to him, but I can't tell him that I've been in a car about 5 times maybe after the accident, I can't handle it, the bus is OK. But in a car, I just have panic attack's, and I see my sister, dying in my arms. I just can't do that. 

"No, I can't" I say running off before they can say anything else to me, they must think I'm a fucking weirdo, I guess I am, I'm so socially awkward, I can't even hold up a proper conversation, I'm such a loser. I think to myself as I run home. 

I come home and put the bag off food on the kitchen table and then run upstairs, I could have made friends with them, but I just ruined everything by being so strange and awkward. I start to cry. He just asked me to come with him for a drive, I just can't do that, I just think off my mom, my lovely mom, I miss her so much, and my siblings, I was the youngest, my sister only 1 year older and my brother 3 years older. I missed them so much, sometimes it just to hard.

"Harry, what's wrong" I hear my father as he opens the door

"There was this boy from school, he asked if I wanted to go for a drive with him and his friends, I said no and ran away, now they must think I'm such a loser and a weirdo," I cry as I get hugged by my father. He just hugs me for a long time, until I stop crying, he knows now hard this is for me. 

"I just can't stop thinking about Lucy, Thomas or mum whenever I get into a car" I say to my dad

"I know"

"I just miss them all so much, I don'tunderstand why this happened, why did they have to die and not me" I ask mydad.

"I'm glad that you didn't"    My dad said to me, he hates it when I talk like that, I understand that, but sometimes I just can't help it. 

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