Ch. 7

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---Harry's POV---

I sit in the back with Simon, somehow I find myself in the same seat as I was in 3 years ago, behind the driver, but only this time it was not my mom, it was JJ who was driving, it did not fill me with confidence that he had just gotten his license and this was only his 3rd time driving without an instructor. I sit in the back with Simon and he is just laughing and talking with the guys, I feel very awkward and to he honest I'm terrified off them. 

"So Harry, tell us about yourself, how old are you?" Vikk asks me

"I'm 15" I say

"any siblings?"

"no, just me and my dad"

"ohh OK, where is your mom?" JJ asks

"uhh. She died 3 years ago" I say quietly and Vikk hits JJ in the arm giving him an evil look, great now they feel sorry for me, I should have just said that she had left. But that would not have been any better, that would just rase questions and I would have to lie.

"I'm so sorry to hear that" Simon says and he looks at me, I want to cry, I want to jump out off this car right now, I can't do this. I'm trying so hard to breath calmly. 

"So what do you do for fun?" Vikk asks to change the subject

"I mostly play video games with my dad, or just online, I'm pretty good at FIFA" I say and smile a bit

"play any GTA?" Simon asks me and he smiles, finally I can talk a bit, I know video games, I play them all the time, this does not have to be to awful if I just keep talking about video games.

"yeah sometimes, I'm not to good though"

"you should play with us sometimes, we play all together online, it's so much fun"

"yeah, sure, I might do that" I say and smile.

"put your number in my phone, I'll text you next time we are playing and if you are free them you can join in" Simon says to me and hands me his phone so I can put my number in it. That took me by surprise, they are actually making an effort with me. 

We have been driving around for almost 15 minutes, I've been OK so far, we have just been talking about video games, what we do and don't like, I like talking about video games. But then JJ hits the curb and the car goes to the side, they all just laugh and JJ yells sorry to us all, but that's it can't help it I get a flashback from the accident.


"MOM LOOK OUT" I hear Thomas screaming, I was just playing a game on my phone, the noise on the game was annoying Lucy so she was yelling at me to turn it down but I found it funny to annoy her, My brother in the front and we are in the back, a truck comes at us and crashes into our car, making us turn over on the highway. Everyone is screaming. Then I just see a pair off headlights and then we are upside down, I see blood everywhere, Lucy is screaming at me, everything hurts.

- end off flashback -

I see the crash so clearly in my head and just as JJ hits the curb I start freaking out, I can't do this, I want out

"stop the car, stop the car, stop the car" I beg as I feel a panic attack coming on, my breathing is already getting out of control. 

"what's wrong?" Simon asks me and he looks very concerned

"I need to get out, I can't do this, I need to get out off here right now" I beg and I'm starting to cry, making JJ very uneasy

"what's wrong, tell us what's wrong" they all beg me, but I just can't talk, I just want to get out off this car, I unbuckle the seatbelt and I try to open the door, I just want out, I don't care if we are still driving, I just want out

"just stop the car" I cry out, I'm struggling to breath and I feel faint, I know I'm hyperventilating and I'm sweating so much. I feel someone holding me back as I try to open the car door, I just want out off this car right now!

- flashback-

"MOM, MOM" I scream as I see my mother in front off me, we are upside down, I manage to get myself free and I fall to the ground, that is actually the top off the car, my mom does not move at all, her eyes are open, I know that she is gone, I just don't want to believe it, I see Thomas is out, he looks very bad, my sister is crying next to me.

"Harry are you OK?" she asks me and I just look at her there covered in blood so I just crawl to her. 

-end off flashback –

"Harry are you OK?" I hear again, but this time not from Lucy, It's Vikk

I start screaming in the back, I just want to get out off this car right now, I can't do this, I feel Simon holding me, I hear that he is trying to talk to me, but I just cant listen to him right now, I'm freaking out, I can't do this.

---Simon's POV---

"JJ stop the car" I yell as I see Harry freaking out in the back seat, I've already taken my seat belt off and grabbed him as he was trying to open the car door, he is crying and his breathing is out off control, he is shaking.

"I'm stopping, calm down" JJ yells back at me.

"JJ he is having a full on panic attack, you need to stop the car now!" Vikk says

"how do you know?" I ask Vikk

"my sister gets them too" He tells me and then JJ finally finds a parking space, as soon as the car stops Harry is out, he runs out off the car, I run after him.

"Harry stop" I yell at him as I catch him, he just falls to the ground, he is still crying so hard, he was not joking when he told me he does not like cars.

"tell me what's wrong" I say as I hold the crying boy in my arms. He can't talk, he is still freaking out, He is struggling to breath properly and he looks totally white in the face, like he is about to pass out.

"It's OK" I keep telling him as I hold him in my arms, Vikk is now next to me, telling Harry to breath slowly, and breath with him, he takes deep breaths and makes Harry do the same, the panic attack is over in about 10 minutes and Harry is just sobbing into his hands. I just hold him close. That poor boy, what the hell had happened to him.

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