Ch. 12

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---Simon's POV---

I see that Harry is arguing with Cal, Cal and Weller over something so I walk over to hear Harry yelling at them for always coping him and giving him nothing in return, I feel for him, he has probably been bottling this up for quite a few months now and finally he just exploded, so I walk over and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Harry, common, he is not worth it, lets take a walk yeah" I say to him calmly 

"No, I'm not finished" He says and I see how mad he is as I try to drag him away from the table, I don't want him to regret anything 

"just run away, that is all that you are good at, hiding and faking " Callum said as I turned around with Harry in tow

"Harry NO" I yell as Harry turns around and punches Callum strait in the nose, probably braking it as it was gushing blood

"you broke my nose you fucking twat!" Callum screams as he picks up a bottle and smashes it on Harry's head, giving him a deep cut on the top off his head and he fell down on the floor.

"not so though now are you!" Callum says as he kicks Harry in the ribs, and by that point me and JJ pull him off and Cal drags him off to cool down and get him some paper as his nose was still bleeding. I help Harry up and he is holding his ribs and he is about to cry, I can just tell so I help him outside, Vikk and Ethan follow us outside. We need to check out that cut.

---Harry's POV---

My head hurts so much, and my ribs as well, I think he might have broken something, I probably deserve it as well, I did punch first, but he just made me so mad, I'm not faking my panic attacks, I wish I could just get rid off them. I don't want to have them, It's not my choice and for him to say that to me. I know I was wrong in punching him but damn it felt good. Tobi then arrives with a bottle off water and he and Simon wash the blood out off my hair to see how big the scar is. That stings a lot.

"you probably need to get stitches" Simon tells me as he is looking at the scar

"how long off a walk is it to the hospital?" I ask, not really wanting to get into a car

"you are not walking, we are driving" Tobi said

"I don't want to drive" I say and look at Simon, hoping he would say he would walk with me, but no such luck.

"Harry your head is bleeding and you are holding your ribs, you might have broken something, we are driving" Simon tells me

"No, Pliz don't, I don't want to get into the car, I really don't" I beg them, but they are not listening to me. It's probably for the best, but I just really don't want to. 

"I will hold your hand the entire way there, sound OK?" Simon tells me and I just nod, there is no point protesting, as they will force me to get into the car. I just except my fate and get into the car. I don't like it, but let's face it, I can't really walk like this, my ribs hurt to much. 

It kinda helped me that I was more focused on the pain in my ribs and my head than the car ride, so I did not have a panic attack when on this ride, but I had not been feeling well. We got to the hospital fine and then Tobi and Ethan headed back to the party but Simon stayed with me, we had to wait for almost 30 minutes before I was seen. I had to get 6 stiches in my head and then a chest X-ray to see if there were any brakes, but thankfully my ribs were not broken, only very badly bruised, so I got a subscription to some pain killers as it hurt quite a lot to move.

"what do you want to do? Should we take a taxi or just walk?" Simon asks me

"It only takes like 15 minutes to walk home from here" I say, I don't want to push my luck with cars, once is enough for today I think

"are you sure," Simon asks very concerned as he can clearly see how much pain I'm in.

"Yeah, I will be fine" I say and try to sound reassuring but that fails completely and then we start walking but I only make it to the parking lot before I have to sit down because my ribs are hurting me so much.

"OK, I'm calling a cab, no you don't get a say in this OK" Simon tells me and I want to protest, but this just hurts so much, I have to get home, but I wont get there like this. That is for sure.

We get to my house OK, I was so tired in the cab that it was not such a big deal, now I had to tell my dad why I got hurt, and that I had started it.

"what happened to you?" My dad asks as Simon almost carries me to the house.

"you should see the other guy" I say and smile

"what did you do Harry?" my dad asks again

"Callum, Cal's friend, he was mad that I was there, he hates me and then he said I was faking my difficulty's remembering things and panic attacks, then he said I was a teachers pet and asked if I had ever not done my homework, then I said to him that if I did not do the homework he would be failing"

"so he beat you up?" my dad asks

"well, no, Simon dragged me away and then Callum said that that was what I did best, hiding and faking, then I punched him, I probably broke his nose, then he took a bottle and smashed it on my head and then he kicked me in the ribs before JJ and Simon dragged him off"

"Ohh Harry" My dad said and he could not helpbut chuckle, but I saw that he did not like it. But he was not to mad at me.     

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