Ch. 24

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--- Simon's POV ---

Harry might be on to something, I do like to cook and bake and all that, I have never really thought about what I would do after I had finished school, I really should start, I mean I only have a year left, Maybe I should become a chef, would I be good at that, would that support me and hopefully a family sometime, granted the family that I was thinking about now was a little bit different than what is considered normal, I have Harry, I would not trade him for anything in the world. It might be harder for us to make this family thing happen but I just know it will all be worth it someday, but that day is so far in the future, we are so young still, but I can't help it, I think about stuff like this all the time.

I've been laying awake for almost 2 hours just thinking about everything when Harry starts tossing and turning, he is having a bad dream so I gently touch his arm and his eyes jolt open

"Sorry, I did not mean to wake you"

"I thought I woke you up" Harry asked, he looked slightly confused, bless him,

"No not this time" I say and kiss him

"why are you awake then?" he asked me

"I don't know really, I can't sleep, I've just been thinking about stuff"

"tell me" Harry says as he nudges closer to me, I can feel his warm body so close to mine, It's the best feeling ever.

"Just the future, what I should do, I always imagined myself going into the police, my dad is a police officer and that is something that I always thought I would be good at, but after you said to me that I should become I chef I've not been able to stop thinking about it, I don't want to chose the wrong thing"

"but life is all about making mistakes"

"that might be true, but I just don't want to study to become something and then end up hating it and wishing that I would have chosen the other option, you know."

"just follow your heart, it will lead you the right way"

"that sounds much easier than it actually is you know" I say and smile at him

"I know"

"I just don't want to chose wrong"

"well I can tell you one thing, I will love you either way, I don't care if you become a police officer or a chef, just if you are with me" Harry tells me as he closes his eyes again, that boy is just to much, I don't think I can love him anymore than I already do.

"I love you" I whisper into his ear and I can see him smile

"write it down so I don't forget"

"Post it on the wall" I say and laugh,

"Post it" Harry said back and smiles at me. 


So this is the end!! hope you enjoyed it and I will be starting a new one soonish.. already on Ch. 7 so it might be sooner than you think. ;) (probably in the next 2-3 weeks)

Love you all that have voted and commented on every chapter you are all amazing! <3<3<3

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