Ch. 17

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---JJ's POV---

I see Harry come up to Simon, We all know they like each other, they just have not figured it out yet, I know Simon is bi, he has not told me that himslef, but I just know, but I'm not to sure about Harry, he might be gay, but I think he is more bisexual than gay, I don't know why I think that, but that's just the feeling I get.

"Simon is going to tell him, I just know it" Josh said and he smiles at me, although Simon has not told us he likes Harry, we all know he does, he just can't hide things, no matter know much he tries, he is pretty much the most obvious person in the hole wide world when it comes to crushes, you can just always guess. It's like he's not even trying to hide it, but he is and that just makes him more obvious. 

"maybe Harry gets in there first?" Ethan says

"I don't think so, he is so shy!" Tobi shoots in there

"care to make this interesting?" I say and laugh.

"what's the bet?"

"I put 10 pounds on Harry telling Simon first" Ethan said and pulls out 10 pounds from his pocket

"I'll take that and put 10 on Simon telling" Tobi says and Vikk bets on that one two. So now there are just me and Josh who have not put a bid down yet,

"I think I will put money on Simon, I think that's the more likely bet" I say and after some thought Josh does the same, so it's Everyone vs Ethan in the end and then we just have to wait. 

---Ethan's POV---

We are all waiting, we are in front off the school and then they come, they are holding hands, they are just to adorable for words, they are both smiling. We just start jumping around  and screaming at them. 

"FINALLY!!!" JJ screams at them and then we all run over to hug them, finally it happened.We have been waiting for weeks. 

"what do you mean?" Simon asks laughing

"we have been waiting for this for weeks now"

"have I been that obvious?" Simon asks, still smiling

"ohh Simon, you can't hide these sort off things, you are the worst, " I just laugh at him. Harry just looks bright red, he is clearly not used to this. 

"but the most important question, who asked?" Josh asked

"what do you mean?" Harry said, he looked slightly confused

"like, which one off you asked the other one? you know, who asked do you wanna date me?" I say

"Harry actually did, well he was trying to so I kissed him before I could finish" Simon said looking at Harry and smiling at the smaller boy who just smiled back.

"YESSSS" I scream!! "YOU JUST WON ME 40 POUNDS YOU BEAUTY!" I scream and kiss Harry on the cheek hugging him tight

"Hey that's my man, get your own!" Simon tells me slapping me lightly on the arm "and you shitheads actually started a bet??" he asked and everyone just smiled

"yeah, I was the only one betting on Harry to ask first!" I say

"you lot are insane" Harry just said and smiled

"anyway.. Nandos?" Tobi asks.

"Yes I'm starving" JJ says and then we all get into the cars, but Harry does not want to do that so him and Simon decide to walk. We are just going to wait for them and order when they get there, it's just a 15 minute walk from the school. It's not like we have to wait long and we are not going to force him to drive with us, It's hard for him.

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