Ch. 14

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(2 weeks later)

---Simon's POV---

Me and Harry have been hanging out a lot for the past 2 weeks, like almost every day, I like him so much, I think I'm in love with him, but I don't want to tell him, what if he gets scared. What is he does not like me back, what if he tells me that he just wants to be friends. I can't stop thinking about our movie night, we had talked so much, he had told me everything, that poor kid and everything he had to go through with both his brother and sister, and not to mention his mom, there was not wonder that he had PTSD and panic attacks.

---Harry's POV---

I want him to be mine, I need him to be mine, I need him with me at all times, I don't feel complete when he is not with me, I don't understand why that is, but I just know that I don't want to be without him in my life. We have been talking so much, I know a lot about him and he knows a lot about me.

"Happy birthday!!" My dad screams at me when I walk down the stairs

"happy birthday to me" I say and smile, my dad has even baked me a cake for breakfast.

"thanks dad" I say and smile at him. He then handed me a birthday present and few cards, one from my grandparents on my fathers side and one from my grandmother on my mom's side, then also my mom's sister and both my dad's sisters as well. They all live a few hours away so we don't see them that often but they come to us sometimes.

"you did not have to" I say and smile.

"don't be silly, you are my son and I want you to be happy!" he says and hugs me, I then open the present to find a brand new IPhone. I can hardly contain my excitement over that. It's just what I wanted.

I walk into school and the first person I see is Callum who still has a yellowish bruise on his nose, we have not talked since the party and I'm OK with that, they have stopped copying my homework and they all got in trouble for not doing there homework a few days in a row, I did not really know If I felt good about it or not, some part off me did.

"there you are" I see Simon and the rest come up to me

"happy birthday!" Simon says and hugs me, the rest them join in for a group hug.

"thank you all" I say

"so, we are all going out for dinner tonight, you are the guest off honor, so you are coming"

"but I already made plans with my dad" I said, looking down so I would not see it in there faces how hurt they were that I was shooting them down

"well, luckily, I planed it with your dad, so no, you are having dinner with us tonight, and you can have dinner tomorrow with your dad"

"you are welcome" Josh says and laughs, as I'm just speechless, what can I say, I love how much they care for me, I love that I finally feel like I have friends that care about me as much as I care about them, it is a very nice feeling, I can't lie.

Dinner is amazing, I had so much fun with the boys, we went bowling afterwards. I keep finding myself looking over at Simon again and again, I really like him, but I'm not going to be making the first move, no way, and I think he just likes me as a friend, so I need to get this idea out off my head.

"are you OK?" Simon asks me as he sits down next to me

"yeah, I'm great, thank you guys a lot for this"

"no problem, when is the last time you did something for your birthday"

"We did something when I was 12, but nothing after that" I say

"and now you are 16"

"yeah, I'm like a baby in this group" I say and laugh

"yeah kinda" Simon said ruffling my hair and he laughs, his laugh is so amazing.

"hey, don't do that" I say and smile at Simon, then we just finish our game and in the end Tobi wins, I'm not very good at bowling, but I enjoy it, mostly because I'm with my friends and I feel like I'm finally excepted somewhere, I'm not an outcast anymore, I can't lie It's an amazing feeling to finally be accepted. 

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