Ch. 23

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---Harry's POV---

I sleep for almost 2 hours before Simon and my dad wake me up, I'm so lucky to have them in my corner. The rest off the day is just a lazy day for us, my dad is working in his office and me and Simon are just laying on my bed and we are just watching some TV.

"how are you feeling now?" Simon asks me

"tired, very tired, like I'm emotionally drained" I say to him and look up at him, he looks a bit concerned about me, I'm just laying in his arms, he is just stroking trough my hair.

"Do you need anything?" He asks me after we have been quiet for a long time, I'm just holding on to him, I don't want to let go

"I just need you" I say, sitting up to look him in the eyes, he looks so cute, sitting there and smiling at me

"I love you!" he says and smiles, kissing me, I look a bit stunned, but as we brake away from the kiss I just smile at him

"I love you to!" I say and the kiss gets deeper and more passionate. It does not take long until we go all the way. I don't know what I've been so scared about, it was amazing, Simon is amazing.

We go downstairs after and I'm feeling a lot better, thanks to what we just did, why would I be in a bad mood after that, Simon made me so happy, and my dad was happy for me, obviously he wanted grandchildren as I was his only living child but we are 16 and 18, that's so far ahead in the future and we can always adopt or something, this is not going to be a big deal. Everything that matters right now is that we are both happy.

"So what do you want to eat?" my dad asks us and I just look at Simon and smile at him, asking him to pick something,

"let's have a look in the fridge" Simon says and open's both the fridge and the cooler where we keep all the frozen foods.

"I see chicken, do you have taco souse and Doritos?" Simon asks me and I get him the orange pack off Doritos and taco sauce, I have no idea what he is making but I like everything that he is putting in there.

"OK, do you have ripped cheese and cottage cheese? And the most important ingredient bacon?" he asks and I get him all off those things. Looking forward to taste whatever he is making.

"Well, Harry It looks like you got yourself a cooker, good job!" my dad tells me and pats me on the back, I just smile and Simon just laughs. His laugh and smile just make my day. I love him.

We continue making dinner and my dad has gone upstairs just to give us some time alone, Simon puts me in charge off cutting the bacon into little peace's and he himself does everything else, he smashes the pack off Doritos and puts it in a oven tray, then he spreads the cottage cheese and taco sauce over it and blends it all together, then as I'm doing the bacon he cuts up the chicken and season's it in curry, soy sauce and lemon pepper, with a little chicken spice. Then we put it on the pan.

"where did you learn to cook like that?" I asked him

"My family loves to cook together" he tells me and smiles, this is something that he enjoys very much

"have you thought about being a chef?" I ask him

"I have, but I don't know if I want to, maybe I end up hating it and I don't want that"

"but it might also be your passion" I say and hug him

"Well I have a year left at our school, let's just wait and see OK" Simon tells me and I kiss him. 

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