Ch. 11

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---Harry's POV---

I get very nervous and I feel like I'm about to have another panic attack, I'm getting white in the face as we get closer to Cal's house 

"Simon, I'm not sure about this"

"are you nervous?"

"yeah, I kinda feel like I'm about to get a panic attack!"

"OK, just breath slowly and we will be there in a minute, I promise you I wont leave you OK" Simon said and grabbed my hand for comfort, I just smile at him

"thank you" I whisper

We then walk together into the party, Cal is at the door with Weller and the other Cal, greeting people as they walk in.

"Hey Simon" I hear Weller yell over

"hey guys"

"ohh hey Harry" Cal said as he saw me and I saw how surprised he looked, he clearly did not expect me to be there.

"hey" I just say, not to be rude and then Simon sees Vikk and Tobi and we join them, but on our way there I hear Callum say to Cal and Weller

"Who the fuck invited him?"

"I didn't" I hear Cal answer

"and how the fuck did he get in with JJ's crew, what the fuck is that about?" Callum said again and he sounded angry, why was he so angry at me, I've not done anything to harm him, not that I know off anyway.

"I told you, they don't want me here" I whisper to Simon as I nod over to Cal and the others as they are still talking about me where they stand in the doorway. Callum looks like he wants to murder someone. He clearly does not want me here. 

After getting in there it was quite fun, I was just hanging out with Simon and it was the most fun that I've had in years, I was actually enjoying myself and all the nerves were gone, It felt so nice to finally be with all the teenagers again and not just hang out with my dad at home, watching a movie or something. This was also the first time that I tried alcohol, that also helped with my fear off talking to people. 

"you feeling it yet?" Simon asks me as I'm laughing at everything, anyone says.

"I feel like I can actually talk to people, I'm not as shy as I normally am"

"thanks called being tipsy! Don't go past that stage, that is always a mistake" Tobi said laughing at me.

"why?" I ask

"Well then you start doing stupid things, that you will probably regret tomorrow" Vikk told me but I just smile at him.

"well, as I don't talk to anyone here, I think I will be fine" I say and laugh

"not to mention the hangover, that is a bitch!!" JJ said and I just smile, I'm gonna worry about that tomorrow, then I walk to the table and poor myself another drink. While I'm doing that Callum walks up to me and starts talking.

"what the fuck are you doing here?" I hear Callum ask me

"Simon invited me along" I say and for the first time I'm not mumbling when he is speaking to me, I'm normally quite scared off him.

"you are not welcome here" he spits out

"not your party" I say to him, not even looking at him

"just go, we don't want you here" I hear him say and I feel the anger inside off me is starting to boil. what the fuck is his problem with me.

"what the fuck is your problem, what have I done to make you hate me"

"you are just so annoying"

"how can I annoy you so much as I never ever talk to you"

"you are such an a attention seeker, always faking panic attacks to get out off anything and you get special treatment because you somehow faked memory loss to get out off a lot off stuff. Like If you say I forgot something It's fine, but if someone else does all hell brakes loose."

"really, are you fucking serious?" I say and I feel that I'm getting very angry, then Cal and Joe Weller walk over

"You are such a teacher's pet, have you ever not done the homework?" Callum yells at me

"well If I would not do it then you lot would be failing, So you should be grateful that I let you copy my homework every day, It's not like I ask for anything in return, and you surely do nothing for me to return the favor."

"We don't copy it, we are checking if our answers are right!" Cal steps in

"yeah, sure, do you really think I'm that stupid?" I snap at Cal

"I thought we were mates"

"yeah sure, what a great friend that you are, you've not talked to me at all in the last 2 years except to see my homework, " I yell and now Simon is next to me, putting his hand on my shoulder. 

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