Ch. 13

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--Harry's POV—

The doctor told me to rest and ice the injury for the next few days and take pain meds if I feel like I need to, and I do, this hurts a lot, I have bruised a rib before, in the car accident, so I know what I can and can't do.

"Well, I guess I'm off, see you later Harry, get better" Simon tells me as he is about to go home

"you can stay, we can watch a movie or something" I say but I wish I had just kept quiet, I'm so scared that he will say no.

"yeah sure, one movie, then I might need to go" He tells me and smiles,

"Harry just go to your room, I'll get you some snacks OK" my dad said to me as he turns around and goes into the kitchen, my dad is just as invested in my friendship with Simon as I am, or at least it seams like it, he wants to make sure that I have everything. My dad likes that I've made a friend. 

"thank you Mr. Lewis" Simon says to my dad and then we walk upstairs

---Simon's POV---

It was so nice to just lay there, we were just watching a movie, Harry was in pain, I could see that, he had a bag off frozen peas in a towel and placed on his bruised ribs,

"Do you need anything?" I ask him,

"No" He says and smiles at me

"Harry, you can tell me if you are in pain"

"this is not the worst pain I've been in, I can handle this" He said and I see that he is getting sad

"you don't have to play the hero, It's OK to admit that you are not OK, no one is completely OK" I say

"what is it that makes you not OK?" he asks and I feel my heart skipping a beat, should I tell him about my insecurity's, I want him to tell me his, so I should probably return the trust that he has put in me.

"I'm insecure about my body, I feel like I'm to thin"

"I think you look good"

"I think I'm to skinny, and I try to put on weight but I just can't, I gain maybe 2 pounds and then they are just gone, I don't know why that is, but I just can't seam to gain weight, even if I want to" I confess and look down, It feels kind of nice to finally get this off my chest, I've not told anyone this before, we then go silent, I'm still hoping Harry will tell me what happened, what is it that makes him not OK

"I saw everyone in my family die"

"what?" I say and I can't hide the shocked face that I made.

"In the car accident, My mom died in front off me, my sister died in my arms, and the last thing she told me was that I needed to stay strong for dad as me and Thomas were the only ones he had left, but then Thomas died after two days in hospital, he got a blood clot that traveled to his brain, the doctors could not do anything, I was in the room, I saw as everything went off and as I was on bed rest they could not really move me out off there, so I heard everything, I heard when they said they could not do anything. Time off death was 14:55pm, they did not even try to hide it from me even if I was screaming at them."

"and you were 12 years old"

"yes, I was 12 years old"

"that must have been a lot to go through at that age"

"I guess It's a lot for any age" Harry says and he looks down, he is starting to cry,

"does anyone except your dad know this?" I ask him

"No, no one except my dad and my therapist that I was made to see once a week for almost 2 years" Harry tells me and I see how hard this is for him, It's very hard for him to relive. So I just hug him tight, hoping that someday he will get better and this will not affect him as much as it is right now.

"this will get better" I say to him and then he just starts crying, he has been bottling this up for so long, I end up holding him in my arms until we both fall asleep on his bed. 

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