Ch. 19

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---Harry's POV---

I was so nervous for this day, thankfully Simon was with me the hole night, I love him, he always knows how to calm me down before I overthink things and freak myself out, I think I must have forgotten just about everything at home that I need today, I was not in the right headspace, when I get nervous or things like that I forget things, after I met Simon and his friends I've been a lot better at remembering things, maybe it goes hand in hand with me being socially awkward and afraid. 

"remember what I told you yesterday" Simon asked before I walked into my class

"call you if they are mean to me?"

"well text me, I don't want to get in trouble for having my phone on" He said and smiled, that gorgeous smile that can make everything brighter and better. 

"yeah of course, We don't want that!" I say and Simon then kisses me, I love his kisses, his lips are so soft and I just feel so good after, every worry that I have just goes out off the window. I love the feeling that I get right after, the butterfly's in my stomach just start flying and I just feel all good and safe, nothing can harm me if Simon is around. But the problem is that he is not always around. 

"Wow, can you get any weirder?" Callum asks as he walks past us, as we are still hugging outside the classroom

"can your nose get any worse? If you like I can sort it out" Simon shoots back and I see Callum bite his jaws together, He so wants to say something but the teacher is already there and he could get in trouble. I then take one last look at Simon who smiles at me and then squeezes my hand. 

"You will be OK, don't let them get to you" he tells me 

"I'll try" I say and then I walk into the classroom. 

We are told to split ourselves into the groups we were put into yesterday, I sit next to Cal and Callum and Joe are in front off me. I don't even want to look up, I don't want to be there.

"Today we are doing presentation on mental disorders, you can pick whatever you want, as long is it is a mental disorder." I hear her say and all I can think is Oh shit, I don't want them to know about my social anxiety or my PTSD or panic attacks and write about that, I don't want to be the poster boy for this project. 

"does someone that we know have to have the disorder that we talk about?" I hear a girl ask

"what if someone picks the same thing as another group?" another girl asks

"then we have to flip a coin " another girl says and everyone laughed

"but that's not fair?" someone else asks, I've pretty much stopped listening to the kids in my class, they are all just complaining to stall, they always do that, the teacher has to explain the same things over and over again. 

"OK, talk about all the mental disorders you can think off and write them down, then we put them on the board and you can pick one, you have 5 minutes to do so" the teacher said and then sits down at her desk

"OK Harry, you are a mental case, what do you have?" Joe asks me with a smirk on his face

"non off your business" I say and look at him

"OK, let's just guess then?" Callum says and they both smile at me

"for starters, Social anxiety probably, and Depression" Joe says and I just look at him, I want to say something, I really do

"eating disorder and self harm?" Cal adds to the list, are they making fun off me or are they actually listing things that are known mental disorders, I can't tell anymore.

After the 5 minutes are up we have a pretty long list on the board, Everyone is putting there things up there and then some girl shouts out PTSD. I breath heavily and I regret it strait away as I just know Callum noticed, I try to play it cool, but I see his smirk and him whispering something to Joe . Fuck, they are going to make my life hell, I don't want to do PTSD, I just don't. I don't want to make this about me, It's none off there business anyway.

"Miss can we have PTSD!" Callum asks first

"are you sure, you don't want to see the rest?"

"No, I think we will stick with that one" Joe says

"does everyone in your group agree" she asks and I just can't do it anymore

"NO" I yell at Callum and Joe as I stand up

"Harry sit down, no yelling in my class" the teacher tells me and I just start breathing heavy as I sit down again, I feel like I'm about to cry. Don't have a panic attack, don't have a panic attack, I think to myself, trying to calm my self down.

"what's wrong, don't want everyone to know your little secret?" Callum says to me and I know I've already started shaking, I don't want to have a panic attack, I don't want to scream and yell and make a scene, I just want Simon here, I want him here with me. 

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