Ch. 5

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--- Harry's POV ---

My dad manages to calm me down in time, my dad is always so supportive off me, he knows that I have problems. I often think about the accident, why was I the only one that survived, I was awake the hole time, I saw my mom die, I held my sister as she died and I saw when the paramedics took away my brother who then died in hospital 2 days later, We were in the same hospital room, I saw them all die of course I'm messed up, I was only 12 at the time. People don't understand how I feel, they say sorry for your loss, but they don't understand, they just don't. they have not been trough what I went trough. 

"common let's make something to eat, OK" My dad says to me after my little meltdown is over and I've calmed down 

"what's in the fridge?" I ask

"I don't know, you did the shopping"

"and I've already forgotten what I bought" I say and smile at my dad who just laughed at me, he is my only friend. Then we just go downstairs and make ourselves some BBQ Chicken and veggies and then we just stay downstairs and watch something that is on TV for the evening before I do my homework for school. 

- next day -

I woke up feeling much better than yesterday, I want to explain myself to Simon and his friends, god they must think I'm strange, but sometimes I just can't help it, I freak out, I still struggle with my PTSD and I very much doubt that I will ever be free off it. 

I see them as I walk into school, I see Simon and Josh looking over to me, is there some place that I can hide, I think looking around, but it's to late, they are already walking towards me, now I need to come up with something good to explain myself without making a complete fool off myself or making them feel sorry for me, I don't want them to feel sorry for me.

"are you OK?" Simon asks me, I don't know why he cares so much

"yeah, I'm sorry about yesterday"

"what was that about"

"I just don't like cars"

"why?" Josh said to me, I can already see it in his face that he thinks I'm strange, I guess I am, 

"I was in a car accident 3 years ago, I just don't like it"

"Ohh I'm sorry, but you are OK from that yeah?" Simon said to me, great now they are feeling sorry for me, that's not what I wanted.

"yeah, yeah all good" I lie, I'm far from OK, they probably know that I'm lying as they look at me like they know that there is something more. But thankfully the bell rings and I just run inside and get to my classroom as fast as I can, I then sit down in my corner and I'm resisting the urge to face plant the table, I hate how awkward I am all the time.

---Simon's POV ---

That boy is so troubled, I get why he does not want to tell me anything, he does not even know me, he does not trust me. I've been watching him today, he is always alone, it looks like he has no friends, I don't know why, something must have happened to him, there must be an explanation on why he is like this, I want to find out why.

"Why do you care so much about that kid?" JJ asks me as we are walking out off school and to our cars to go home

"I don't know, I feel like I need to protect him, I know that does not make any sense as I don't know him at all, he just looks so lost and like he needs a friend to bring him out off his shell" I say

"but you don't even know him, maybe he is just a loser and everyone has figured it out already" Ethan, my best friend says to me, I know he does not mean this in a bad way, he is just a bit blunt sometimes with that he says.

"everyone needs a friend, If I can help him in some way I'm damn well going to try" I say as I get into the car with JJ, Vikk and Tobi.

Vikk and Tobi are neighbours and they are friends with Ethan, they are all in the same year, with JJ. Me and Josh are the year ahead off them, Me and Ethan have known each other the longest, our dad's are best friends. We all have the same hobbies, we like to play video games together, and we are called the Sidemen in every group game, we are all JJ's sidemen as he is arguably the most popular guy in school.

"did you take it to heart what Ethan said?" Vikk asked me when we are in the car

"no, not really, I just think he deserves a chance to make friends, he is obviously a little bit awkward and I think he has some sort off social phobia or something, it's like he struggles to talk to people, he looks like he is struggling to find something to say." I say

"what do you mean? You just saw him yesterday for the first time"

"no, I talked to him for the first time yesterday, I saw him the first time two days ago, at lunch, he was just sitting alone, on his phone and no one even bothered to talk to him, no one even tried,"

"probably because he was on his phone" Tobi shot in there

"look, I don't care what you all think, I really want to find out what is going on with him, I think he needs someone." I say and then I just turn my head looking out the window, thinking about what I can do next to make him talk to me, there must be something that I can try, he must want friends. everyone needs someone in there corner, why can't that someone not be me. Not to mention he is cute as hell. 


over 100 reads already!! thanks a lot for all the love, it means a lot to me!! 


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