Ch. 8

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---Harry's POV---

I was calming down, there were still tears falling, every time I closed my eyes I saw my sister, It was just as it has happened yesterday I remember it so well, I guess memory's like that don't leave you easy.

"Hey, hey, are you ready to get back now?" Simon asks me

"No, I need a little time"

"can you tell me what's going on, what happened?" Simon asks me again and I just go quiet.

"you can tell us" Vikk said and he and JJ sat down on the grass next to me, Simon was still holding me in his arms, that felt strangely nice, I did not want him to let go

"I got into a car accident 3 years ago with my mom, sister and brother, and they all died"

"are you serious? OMG" Vikk said and he was shocked they all looked shocked

"I freaked out because I got a flashback when you hit the curb"

"that's understandable, no wonder you are tense about cars, that would have been a lot to deal with" Simon said to me, he was actually so supportive.

"how old were you?" JJ asked me

"12, I was the only survivor, I was in hospital for 5 days because I got a head injury and I got some minor internal injury's and a few bruises, but I was OK"

"well you might me physically fine, but are you OK mentally?" Vikk says to me, I'm glad that Vikk is here, he looks like he understands, he looks like he cares about what happened to me, he does not brush it off or make it sound like I'm overreacting or dramatic, I've been told before that I'm just being dramatic. 

"not really, I still suffer from memory loss, I struggle with faces the most and I need to write stuff down, like you saw at the shops, I could not remember what I needed" I try to explain, I'm not sure of they get it or not, but I'm not getting into that car again.

"wanna go?" JJ asks

"I'm not getting into the car again, I just can't" I say. 

---Simon's POV---

Harry is not going back into that car, I tell the others to go, I will walk him home, make sure that he is OK, He looks so down, this must have brought back some very hard memory's for him and he needs some time to calm himself down a bit, he looks so tense, who can really blame him. 

"Is there something else bothering you?" I ask him as we start walking 

"not really, I'm just a bit shaken up"

"you can talk to me, I know we just met, but there is just something about you, I feel the need to protect you" I blurt out, regretting that instantly, but you can't take back words, you can say that you did not mean it, but words can hurt. 

"so you want to get to know me, even after today?" he asks and I see that he is surprised

"yeah, I would like that, If you want to"

"I'm not really good at this friends thing" he says and he looks embarrassed

"well lucky for you I am, so I'll do all the hard work, you cool with that?" I say to him and smile. To my surprise he smiles back at me, finally the ball is rolling.

We talk on the way back to his house, we talkabout a lot off things, I tell him more about our gaming group and I tell him a bit about me, he keeps very quiet about his life and all that, but he feels computable talking to me about video games, so that is going to be the thing that we talk about, for now, until he feels like he can trust me, I want to get to know him. I feel like I need to, I don't know why, but I feel like we have a special connection.     

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