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" It is both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so very deeply."



Tyler woke up with a sigh as he slowly set up in his bed. He took a moment to let his eyes adjust as he stared at the blank, slate grey walls in front of him.

Sunlight was filtering in through his half closed blinds as he heard the faint sound of birds chirping outside.

He admires the way the sun is so bright in the mornings, and it gradually grows dim as the day progresses.

Tyler, believed in a way that the sun itself represented life. In the beginning when you're young and care free your life is bright.  Everyone can see your happiness and radiate in the light you give out, but when you get older you grow dim.

When you're a teenager and you start to realize the world isn't as bright as people led you to believe, you're happiness isn't as bright anymore. You lose hope in the cruel world surrounding you, but you still believe you can make a difference one day.

And when you're an adult you know you alone can't really make a difference like everyone claims you can. You've already tried and failed. Your light is almost out, but a little flicker of hope contrasts with your thoughts and wishes creating a beautiful image; almost like a sunset.

Ironically enough, Tyler, also sees the sunrise as a symbol of hope. It brings new chances with every new day. You get another chance to try again, and do something you've always wanted.

Tyler overthinks about everything.

Sometimes it causes him to struggle in relationships and his faith. You see that's what overthinking does, it takes something you thought and makes you question every single little aspect.

"Do they really like me?"

"What if they only keep me around because they pity me?"

You see Tyler is a very religious man. He knows his god is real. He's done things for him that he never knew he deserved.

Tyler is also gay. What if his God doesn't accept him because of who he chooses to love? What if everyone else is right? What if he is an embarrassment to his God?

Tyler doesn't like to think so much, but it's both a curse and a blessing; mostly a curse.

After shaking his head and clearing his head of his dark thoughts, he slings his legs over the edge of his bed, and his bare feet come in contact with the cold wooden floor. He rubs at his bare shaking shoulder as he goes to the bathroom and turns the water on, while washing the thin layer of sweat off his face from sleep.

He pats his face dry with a fluffy white hand towel and then brushed his teeth. Of course, Tyler's the type to turn the water off as he brushes to conserve water.

He closes his eyes and bops to a tune in his head that he can't seem to get out of his mind.

Just our hands clasped so tight, waiting for the hint of a spark.

He's been listening to a lot of Death Cab for Cutie lately, and he can honestly say he finds all their works beautiful. Tyler was never one to listen to modern day music, anyways. He didn't like rappers talking about waking up in brand new cars or getting 'rekted' at parties. Tyler was into indie/ alternative and stuff like that.

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