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"He was Christmas morning, crimson fireworks, and birthday wishes."

-Raquel Franco


Tyler sat with two bags at his feet as his legs refused to hold still. His bottom lip was swollen from how frequent he was biting on it, and he didn't let up even when the metallic flavor filled his mouth.

Ten minutes was all he had left.


Tyler jumped as he heard someone frantically calling out his name, and then he spotted bright colored curls and the brown eyes he hates so much.

He wanted to hate Joshua, but he knew , deep down, he never could...

"Josh? What are you doing h-"

Tyler was cut off as Josh collided into him and pressed their lips together while holding him firmly against his chest.

"Tyler, please don't go," Josh whispered as he looked down to Tyler's eyes and rested his hands on his cheeks.

"Josh, I have to," the younger insisted as he looked anywhere except Josh.

"No you don't. I'll pay for you to do whatever you want, I'll arrange for you to move in with me, I'll do whatever it takes to keep you here with me," Josh whispered brokenly,"I love you, Tyler."

Tyler felt his whole body fill with rage as he jerked from the man's grip, "you don't love me-"

"I do love you,Tyler."

Tyler caused everyone to turn his way as he screamed,"No you can't! We're not dating, Josh. We're fuck buddies, go buy someone else; I don't want your money. I have to go, bye Joshua."

As Tyler walked away he kept his head down as tears started to race down his face in a steady stream.

He loved Joshua too, but this is something he has to do.

He could never make Josh happy. Josh is used to high maintenance and the best money can buy.

Tyler was barely getting by and definitely didn't care about money. They just wouldn't fit.

As he boarded his plane he wiped his tears away and tried to quit sniffling, but gave up when his nose kept running.

Joshua was the best and worse thing to happen to him, and he had to let him go.

Joshua was the warm apple cinnamon candle he kept by his bedside. He was the cool breeze coming from his window when he slept at night cuddled into his comforter.

Joshua was the star he wished on as he sat on his balcony with his knees held tightly to his chest at midnight.

Tyler vaguely registered the voice telling him they were preparing for take off as he leaned his head against the cool window.

The plane ascended and Tyler felt his heart break just a little more.

What has he done....


Short filler, but I'm at work😊

I love you, my lil' spookies💞

👽Stay • Alive💀


∆Little Wanderer∇ JøshlerWhere stories live. Discover now