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"The flower doesn't dream of the bee. It blossoms and the bee comes."

-Mark Neppo, The Book Awakening


The morning air was a bit chilly as it nipped at Tyler's cheeks; turning them a tinge of soft pink along with his ears and nose. The sky was dull bluish gray with puffy dark grey clouds swirling randomly with hints of dark orangish pinks accenting them. It was a pretty morning despite Tyler having to bundle up in an oversized sweatshirt.

When he finally came upon the old brick building he scrambles towards the double doors faster in an desperate attempt to feel the warm air it provides.

As soon as he pulls out his key to unlock the doors he's met with warm air that encircles his cold frame. He sighs in release as he struggles to pull off his sweat shirt. He finally manages to pull the huge material off of his small frame and folds it while putting it behind the counter; leaving him in a plain black t shirt and galaxy leggings.

Sighing, he shuffles to the back of the store with intentions to straighten up the bookshelf before a few stray people wandered in. He starts straightening books that are slanted and making sure they're still in alphabetical order by the authors last name.

He hears the bell ring above the door at the front, but continues to focus on the books in front of him. If they need him, they'll ask him right?

He's taken by surprise when two hands cover his eyes and pulls him back against their chest. He doesn't react as fear takes over his senses and his voice fails. He can't scream or move; he's paralyzed with fear. He accepts his fate considering the person holding him is a lot stronger than he is.

"You mean to tell me you wasn't going to fight me? That's dangerous Tyler," a familiar voice whispers in his ear that causes slight shivers to run up and down his spine.

"Josh, don't fricking do that. I literally almost had a heart attack," Tyler says breathlessly with frantic eyes.

"I'm sorry, it was just a joke," Josh says dropping his head in shame. He honestly didn't mean to scare Tyler that bad, he thought the brown eyed boy would just laugh it off with him. However, that was not the case at all. Tyler shakily stood in front of Josh with his hand clutching the material over his chest and panting heavily.

Josh didn't know what to do, so he did what came to mind first. He took a step closer and wrapped his arms around the smaller, struggling boy and held him there. At first Tyler stiffened at Josh's touch, but eventually gave into the comforting embrace.

The two boys stood in the middle of the Fiction isle holding onto each other as Tyler slowly calmed down.

"So, what brings you here?" Tyler says slowly pulling away from Josh's embrace and biting his lip. He didn't expect josh to show up at the library, doesn't he have people that does these types of things for him?

Josh scratches at the back of his neck as he offers Tyler a grin that almost has him swooning.

"I actually came by to see if I could find To Kill a Mockingbird," Josh says with a dopey grin adorning his cherry red lips.

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