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The sun was setting over the San Francisco bridge as Tyler and Josh sat upon the bank watching the world below them.

Cars drove without any intentions on stopping, they were just going. The city lights became more apparent in the oncoming twilight, and the sounds of the city was a distant buzz in the wind; like the gentle hum of a passing honey bee.

Tyler had his eyes closed as the breeze ruffled his hair that has grown out longer than usual. Josh's warm hand holding his as their fingers stayed interlocked.

The air resembled the aroma of a fresh linen Yankee candle Tyler's mom always bought and kept in the living room.


The younger boy only hummed in acknowledgment as he remained in his peaceful bliss.

"Do you regret it?"

Josh's voice was so timid as he spoke so softly it was almost lost in the breeze.

"Regret what?"

Tyler's eyebrows were scrunched up in genuine confusion as he turned his head and rested his chin on his shoulder to look up at Josh.

His freshly dyed pastel pink hair blowing gently as he searched Tyler's face.

"Coming back to me?"

Tyler jumped up at those words and threw himself into Josh's arms. Josh's back hit the grass as Tyler held him close.

"The only thing I regret is leaving."

Josh nodded as he slowly pulled himself up with Tyler still latched to him like a lifeline.

He still woke up frantically searching for Tyler when the younger would wake up at odd hours painting in the art room Josh had built for himself.

He'd flee from his warm bed ignoring the voice telling him to stay warm, and pray to anyone that could hear him that Tyler wasn't gone.

It had become such a habit that Tyler often woke Josh up, telling him where he's going before giving the boy a sweet kiss and slipping into Josh's shirt.

After two years Josh is still terrified that Tyler will just up and leave.

Tyler was a restless spirit.

He was constantly wanting to see the world, every corner there is to possibly see. How could Josh compare to that kind of beauty?

"I feel like I'm holding you back from seeing the world and doing everything you dream and talk about."

Tyler pulled back and pressed his lips to Josh's heatedly as he cupped the older man's scruffy jaw in his soft palms.

"Don't you get it, Josh? I want to see and do all the the things I talk about with you. You are my world."

Josh smiled faintly as he stood up with Tyler still in his arms and gently sat the boy back on the ground.

The pastel blue button up complimented his tan skin beautifully as he looked up at Josh with the universe reflecting in his brown eyes.

The stars twinkled in a melody all of their own as Tyler watched Josh drop to one knee in front of his feet. 

"Tyler, I knew you were the one for me when I watched you walk down the street in the pouring rain with a smile on your face clutching your notebook. We've had our highs, and we've had our lows, and hell, we'll probably have many more to come. I've never in my life felt as low as I did when you left. I never want to live a second without you again. I promise I'll always walk in the rain with you. I'll always give you the window seat on the plane. I'll watch you paint for hours, days even....Will you do me the honors of marrying me and being mine forever?"

The ring was a simple silver band, just like Joshua knew Tyler would prefer.

Tyler shook his head yes repeatedly as tears streamed from his eyes and he tackled Josh to the ground as he sobbed against the man's chest.

"Of course I will."

Tyler looked up with watery eyes and a runny nose, but Joshua swore he's never seen anyone or anything more beautiful in his entire existence.

The earth rejoiced as their lips met and rain poured down on them.

Their clothes were soaked, but they kept kissing and holding each other close as they exchanged goofy giggles and giddy smiles.

Sometimes you got to learn to dance in the rain before you can appreciate the sunshine.


The End.

I love you, my lil' spookies💞

👽Stay • Alive💀


∆Little Wanderer∇ JøshlerWhere stories live. Discover now