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(n) An overwhelming urge to run away.


It's no surprise to Tyler that it's raining again. Spring in Ohio is always littered with unexpected, expected showers. Tyler always knew that the weather forecast was hardly ever accurate.

He grabs his jacket and walks outside letting the coldness invade his once warm body. He can feel his hands become slightly cold as the cold rain drizzles on him. You see Tyler can't help but to love the coldness of both the rain and the weather itself; it distracts him from his mind for a little while. That's all he needs sometimes, a little distraction.

He goes to the park where Josh found him playing in the rain on the swing set. It's been a week or two since he's seen the colorful man. He didn't know how, but he misses him. They've barely held a whole conversation, so how can he miss a man he barely even knows?

Why does he miss that feeling in his gut when Josh smiles or laughs? Why does he miss the man that probably didn't even remember him? Tyler was never one to get attached easily, so why has his motives suddenly changed? Tyler doesn't know, but he does know he hates it.

He sits at a park bench watching the rain drizzle like a gentle ocean tide; the wind making the rain visible with every gust.

"You know you're crazy right? And what's with me always finding you in the rain?"

Tyler jumps as he whips his head to the direction of the voice to see the man that was just currently on his mind.

"I told you I like the rain," Tyler shrugged and kept eye contact with the man grinning in front of him.

Josh offers his hand to Tyler, and helps the smaller boy to his feet. "Mind joining me for some coffee?" While Josh waits for Tyler to think it through he admired the brunets thick eyelashes that had droplets of water clinging to them. He gets caught up in the single rain drop making its way to Tyler's plump lips, but quickly snaps out of it as Tyler agrees, "Sure, I could go for some caffeine."


In all honesty Tyler just wanted to spend more time with Josh. Is it weird he yearns for this man's attention when he's around? They walk silently on the wet pavement as they walk towards the coffee shop around the corner. Tyler steps a little too excitedly in a puddle causing water to splash all over Josh's pants leg.

Tyler stifles a giggle by biting his lip, and Josh looks at him with a playful glare. Josh doesn't understand how Tyler does it. He helps Josh let loose, and he feels like he's living the childhood he never had. He likes it.

Tyler sees a larger puddle ahead of them in front of an alleyway and he formulates a plan. Josh is walking with his head down avoiding the stinging rain, and Tyler can't help but to laugh. The rain all of a sudden worsens out of no where. It feels like millions of tiny needless are poking at their skin as they run for cover in the alleyway, but not before Tyler jumps with both feet into the huge puddle. Josh looks at the smaller brunet in shock. His eyes are wide and his jaw is slack, as Tyler giggles and runs to take cover in the sheltered alleyway next to a dumpster.

Josh recovers quickly and runs to join Tyler. He sits next to the smaller boy and Tyler takes this time to really look at Josh. He's not wearing his usual formal attire, he's casual. He's wearing ripped jeans and a black sweatshirt. Tyler can't help but to think he's more attractive this way.

The cold has finally seeped into Tyler's body and causing him to chatter his teeth and shake like a leaf. Josh notices this and looks at the boy in sympathy.

He goes to look at Tyler, only to see him already staring. Stray rain drops make their way from Tyler's wet hair down to his face. Josh can't help but to follow them as they slowly fall down his forehead, down the slope of his nose, and down the bridge from his nose to his mouth. He looks from Tyler's lips up to his eyes to see the boy watching him with a hooded gaze.

He watches as more raindrops follow the same path and he's aware of both of them moving closer together. Tyler's teeth are still chattering and his whole body is shaking, but Josh still thinks he's beautiful. He leans in to where their noses touch and breaths mingle; the heat causing both their lips to warm up.

Tyler involuntary sighs in content and leans closer causing their chests to touch. Tyler can feel Josh's warmth through all the layers of clothes. His eyes are now closed as Josh whispers in the smallest of voices, "Can I kiss you?"

Tyler nods slowly as Josh closes the gap and pulls the brunet closer. Their lips meet in a sweet, slow motion. Tyler's teeth has stopped chattering, and his shaking has almost stopped as well. Josh takes Tyler's hands in his own and puts them in his sweatshirt pocket to warm them with his own

The kiss is pure and innocent. Just the two feeling one another close.

They hadn't even noticed that the rain had stopped and the sun was out, because they were too caught up in one another.

All of a sudden Josh pulls away with wide eyes and mumbles, "sorry that was a mistake. I shouldn't have done that, I've got to go. I'm sorry."

Tyler watches as the man runs off as he sits confused and clearly flustered. He feels tears well up in his eyes as he registers what Josh said. Tyler was a mistake to him. Josh never intended to actually kiss Tyler.

Tyler's disgusted with himself as he quickly pulls himself from the ground and runs out of the alleyway and onto the sidewalk.

He doesn't stop running until he's standing in front of his apartment. He's thankful for playing basketball when he was younger, so he can keep up a decent pace over a lengthy run.

He takes out his key with shaky hands and tear filled eyes.

Everyone always told Tyler he was a mistake.

Finally managing to open his door he quickly rushed to his bedroom and throws himself into the bed and lays there face down; not moving. He doesn't care that he's still soaked and he's soaking his bedsheets beneath him.

Why does he always get himself into these situations?

Why does everything like this always happen to him?

Life sucks....



I literally do nothing but write sin and listen to music. My life is possibly goals.

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