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More than a friendship less than a relationship.


Josh lays tangled up in his Egyptian cotton sheets on his bed, as he feels the sticky residue on his tear stained cheeks.

'How could he had been so stupid?' He keeps asking himself. He's a successful business man, not some child. He can't be running around and getting caught up in Tyler's antics.

It's just that Josh really likes this mysterious boy he barely knows. He likes that Tyler shows him a whole new perception on life. He feels like a kid.

Josh didn't have much of a childhood. His dad was always working any and every job he could find. His mom worked all the time also, and he was left to study non-stop to make their life better. He was determined to make life better for his siblings and his parents.

He didn't have many friends, he was picked  on a lot, he struggled and studied as hard as he could, he babysat, and he also tried to do a couple odd jobs here and there.

Josh never had a childhood, but he doesn't blame his family. They tried as hard as they could. That's why when Dun Industries finally started getting attention he helped his family in every way possible.

After many successful business years Josh had finally managed to become so wealthy that his parents didn't have to worry anymore. He helped them out and even bought them a brand new, customized house.

Josh's mom even planned out the blueprint. His siblings had a better life as well. That's all he ever wanted was to give back to his family. He never once cared that he didn't get to act silly as a kid or slack off. He's glad he didn't, but it still feels good when Tyler allows him to let loose.

Tyler isn't like anybody's he's ever met, and he doesn't have it in him to stay away from the brunet boy with big brown eyes.

How could he have been so stupid? He can't believe that he kissed Tyler. Josh doesn't even yearn for a relationship, he only wants to take care of his family and grow in power.

He shouldn't have kissed Tyler, and sure as hell shouldn't have said it was all a big mistake. God, he can only imagine how the smaller boy is feeling right now.

Josh can still feel Tyler's pleading, confused eyes watching him leave. He will never forget the pained look on the boy's face, and how hurt he looked; Josh hated to see people in pain, much less being the cause of that pain.

He should probably clear things up. He knows how hard of a blow it would be if someone kissed him then told them it was a mistake while proceeding to run off.

He feels terrible.

He changes into some old black skinny jeans, an old Fall Out Boy cut off,  and slips on his converses. Once he's outside he feels the cool air cause goosebumps to surface. Then it hits him: he doesn't have any clue where Tyler lives.

He checks his phone and sees that it's 6:43 pm and something tells him Tyler isn't at home anyways. He doesn't know why his feet is shuffling or why he's not sure where he's heading, but he's allows it anyways.

He doesn't stop to stare at the dreary surroundings or yell at people plowing him with their shoulders. He's a man on a mission.


He finally stops and he's at the park where he seems to always find Tyler. His eyes study his surroundings as he spots a small silhouette on a swing. He already knows it's Tyler.

He steps into the flooded mulch and walks over to the swing next to the boy and bows his head. Tyler didn't even bother to look up at him and that cut him a little deeper.

"Hey, Tyler, look I'm sorry," Josh says keeping his head turned to the floor.

Tyler just nods his head at that.

"I'm not really looking for a relationship right now. I might not ever want a relationship. I just want some fun and well you help me let loose. My number one priority is always going to be my family. I'm sorry if I misled you. I just... I don't know what I'm trying to say."

Tyler laughs so hard his knuckles are turning white from holding the chains on the swing so hard.

Josh is taken aback by his sudden outburst and looks at the boy is confusion. Tyler's loud laughter is the only thing to be heard as he goes into hysterics. His laughing soon stopped as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Who said I was looking for a relationship? I've never had intentions to have any relations with you other than a friendship," Tyler says through a few giggles.

"Oh, uh, that's good then," Josh says dumbfounded.

They sit and swing in silence as Josh presses a finger to his lips where Tyler's once was.

"Hey, Tyler, can I try something?"

Tyler shrugs and kicks at the wet mulch under his feet, "sure I don't see why not."

Josh grabs Tyler's swing and swiftly crouches in front of him; gently pulling his head forward and connecting their lips in their second kiss.

Josh didn't run this time, instead he embraced the feeling of Tyler's lips on his. The kiss was soft and testing, but nonetheless enjoyable. They parted after a couple of minutes and Tyler connected their foreheads with a small smile.

"I thought you already tried that?"

Josh smirks and pecks his lips once again, "a little fun never hurt anybody, right?"

Tyler smiled back and nods.

"No strings attached?"

Josh chuckles at that and nods, "no strings attached."


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