Vingt Cinq

720 49 12

"He isn't coming back
whispered my head
        he has to
sobbed my heart."

-Rupi Kaur


Tyler's morning was the same as it's been for months now.

He woke up in a bed that wasn't his own, drank lukewarm coffee, and skipped breakfast before grabbing his suitcase and boarding a plane.

Today felt different however.

He woke up at the same time he usually does; 6: 00 am.

However, this morning Tyler replaced his usual coffee with a red bull and picked at a chocolate chip muffin.

The morning sky was as memorizing as usual, and the birds sang a melody of their own outside of the window.

After finishing his red bull and muffin, he grabbed his bags and walked down the lobby and out of the front doors.

The unfamiliar street welcomed him with a warm breeze as the rose gold sky reflected on building and sidewalks.

Tyler's head stayed up and a graceful smile curled upon his lips as he walked towards the airport that wasn't too far away.

The airport was rustling with passengers boarding and exiting their planes as people took seats and waited for their flights.

Thankfully, Tyler's flight was already boarding as he climbed aboard and put his suitcase above him before taking a seat next to a window and leaning his head against it.

His hands tapped out a random tune against his thighs as his leg bounced continuously and his bottom lip stung from his teeth biting into the sensitive skin.

His heart was beating too fast, or so it seemed, and it felt like it was stopping just to start up again.

3 hours to go.


The ride had consisted of Tyler sitting with his head propped against the window as he sketched the scenery below him.

His hand messily gliding over the paper as he lazily put effort into his work.

Now that he was in baggage claim looking for his bag, his mind was racing.

His head whirled with all the things he was anxious about.

Could this be a mistake?

He finally spotted his bag near a dark purple one and grabbed it before walking out of the airport with excitement coursing  throughout his whole being.

He throat itched to scream, his hands were continuously moving, and his legs were aching to run.

As soon as Tyler was out of the doors he grabbed his bag and hailed a taxi. His voice was too loud as he spoke, but the driver nodded his head as Tyler closed the door behind him and gave him directions.

Fifth-teen minutes felt like an hour as the taxi passed stores and pedestrians. Tyler's legs bounced the whole time as he bit at his nails in anticipation.

When the car stopped, Tyler didn't hesitate before throwing a wad of money to the driver with a mumble of appreciation before ascending the stairs and taking a deep breath.

The unfamiliar surroundings were intimidating  as he knocked on the door and curled into himself.

He hoped this was the right address, anyways.

A voice like warm honey flowed through the door as it reached Tyler's ears and caused the younger to perk up and his heart to stop within his chest.

"I'm coming."

This two simple words had Tyler's world crashing down as the door swung open and a silence grew heavy upon him and the man.


Tyler nodded shyly before throwing himself into strong arms and instantly sobbing as he slowly felt whole again.


The cracks within his surface filled as he felt complete and safe in Josh's arms.

"I'm so sorry, Josh. I'm so sorry."

The two held each other and cried in the door way as they were both too afraid to let go.

When their breaths were slowing, Tyler jumped forward and pressed their lips together.

Tyler's heart was suddenly bright and complete again as their lips molded together and moved in sync.

Joshua pulled the boy through the door as he kicked it behind him, and his hands tangled in the younger's brown locks; giving them a small tug.

Tyler moaned appreciatively in the kiss as his hands gripped at Josh's now pink hair.

Tyler was finally home.


I wrote this half asleep tbh.

I love you, my lil' spookies💞

👽Stay • Alive💀


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