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" I always find beauty in things that are odd and imperfect- they are much more interesting."

-Marc Jacobs



Tyler loves flowers with a great passion. He often wonders why he didn't become a florist instead of working at the local library. He would have been paid a little bit more, and he'd still fit in enough to get through a work day; or so he'd like to think. After all his three passions were books, rain, and coffee.

Josh had said he wanted to hang out with Tyler, and Tyler couldn't bring himself to say no to his angel like face. He just couldn't risk seeing Josh's beaming smile tug down into a frown. He liked seeing Josh happy, it suited the fiery red haired man.

So here Tyler sat on the black, leather couch in his living room waiting for Josh to show up and whisk him away into the crowded streets of Ohio. He didn't dress up too nice, but he did upgrade from his joggers and oversized t-shirt. He managed to drag himself into the bathroom to shower and brush his teeth, and slip on a floral button up with black skinny jeans. His black vans even has a floral overlay.

Just as he was getting annoyed at Josh for seeming like he was going to be late, a knock to his old oak door sounds through his apartment causing him to startle and grab his chest. Tyler was always a jumpy guy, he was startled so easily especially when he was caught up in his own head; which was a lot.

He slowly stands up and strides to answer the door with ease, and opens it to reveal his 'friend.' He takes a minute to exam Josh's outfit. It wasn't too dressy, but he was definitely dressed to please. His toned biceps were clattered in a crisp white button up, and his long legs were filling out his black skinny jeans nicely. He looked lovely.

"Are you ready to go on our walk?" Josh breaks the silence with his heavenly voice. Tyler only gives a casual shrug before stepping out in front of him and takes in his surroundings. The weather was warm, but not overbearing. The sky was a bright blue with delightful puffy white clouds in shapes that differ from the person perceiving them.

They walk in silence as Josh admires the way Tyler becomes so lost in his own little world. In all honesty Tyler himself was resplendent. Josh finds himself wanting to know what goes on inside Tyler's mind, he assumes it's beautiful just like the boy creating the very thoughts.

Meanwhile while Josh is pompously assuming things about Tyler, the younger boy is looking down at all the flowers at his feet. Flowers that are considered weeds as they grow on the side of the worn out sidewalks, and up through the cracks that litter the plain white slabs of concrete. He was a weed. He was an intrusion to society, he didn't belong in civilization. He belonged to earth and it's simple ways of life.

He belonged to to the creator of the world and no one else. He wanted to soar with the birds through the sky as he looked down at everything from above. He wanted to feel alive and free, but instead he was stuck in a place with people who only care about money and looks; and Tyler had neither.

"What are you thinking about?"

Tyler stops walking and looks up at Josh with a click of his tongue and furrowed eyebrows.

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