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Nostalgia: /näˈstaljə,nəˈstaljə/-


A sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.


The drive home was filled with Tyler's quiet breathing mixed with Mumford & Sons album 'Sigh No More'.

Little Lion Man softly floats through Tyler's speakers like sun filtering through half cracked blinds in the morning. He mumbles the lyrics under his breath as he keeps his eyes on the road and feels Nostalgia overcome his senses.

Weep for yourself, my man,
You'll never be what is in your heart.

He nods his head to the beat as he stops at a red light and taps his fingers against the leather covered steering wheel.

Weep, little lion man,
You're not as brave as you were at the start. Rate yourself and rake yourself;
take all the courage you have left and waste it on fixing all the problems that you made in your own head.

He pulls forward as the light turns green and he see's the nieghbourhood he grew up in come into view.

He passes houses that he remembers riding his bike in front of as a child. His brother Zack trailing behind him as they raced to the end of the streets as the sky turned a golden, bright pink above them.

He smiles as he pulls into his old driveway and is greeted by a young Jay hugging at his legs.

"Ty-Ty!" The boy squeals as he hugs as Tyler's legs and looks up to reveal his missing front tooth, "missed you."

"I missed you too, Jay," Tyler says scooping the boy up and setting him on his hip as he sees the rest of his family standing at the door.

"Mom! Dad! Ty-Ty's home!" The younger boy squeals as he jumps excitedly in Tyler's arms, and Tyler swears he loves his family more than anything.

He sits Jay down and earns a pout from the small boy as he leans in to hug his mom.

"Mom! How are you?" Tyler says with a smile wider than the Pacific Ocean as he pulls his mom closer to him. She lets out a small 'hmph' as Tyler smothers her in a bone-crushing hug.

"I'm great, honey, how're you and Brendon doing?" She asks pulling back with a wide smile on her face.

"I'm doing good, Brendon moved out to be with Dallon; but they're doing good or so I assume. I haven't talked to them in a couple of days. I've been busy at the library," Tyler shrugs as his dad pulls him into a huge hug.It's Tyler's turn to be held in a bone crushing hug as Chris pulls him in.

"How's my boy doing?" Chris says pulling Tyler back by his narrow shoulders and ruffles the fluffy brown hair upon Tyler's head.

"Dad!" Tyler whines as he looks at Chris with a playful glare, "I was fine until you did that."

"Always a drama queen, your future husband better have some patience," Chris snorts as Tyler's face heats up like a stop sign, because be would in fact love for the man to stop.

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