Vingt Trois

798 54 15

"You asked me if I was mad, darling flames ignited in hell and lighting struck the earth each time I thought of you, but I shook my head no anyways.



The sky was a blanket of grey with sea lavender blue water color stains streaking across the natural canvas in a mesmerizing spiral.

Faint wisps of cream colored clouds began to form as they spread across the skyline, right where the sun was peeking out in all of it's enchanting glory.

Tyler was dressed in a simple white button up, that in all honesty was a little baggy on his lanky frame, but fit him decently enough.

A pair of non-holy black skinny jeans covered his sun kissed legs, and a black bow tie stood out proudly around his neck.

It was his second day in Perth, Australia and he had an art showing at the PICA building, and to say he was nervous was an understatement.

His stomach was churning like waves in a tsunami near the shore as they splashed, sprayed, and destroyed everything in its path.

The easel that stood in front of the window was covered with a black sheet casted oddly shaped shadows against the wooden floor of the hotel room.

The young brunet with violet hued, freckled cheeks was short of breath as he grabbed his covered canvas and walked out of the hotel room and tucked his key card in his back pocket.

Thick Australian accents ring out through the air as it pushed Tyler to keep thinking about how much he doesn't belong here.

This isn't home.

Josh was at home...

Tyler shook his head as he tried to push the thoughts of the colorful haired man aside, or hopefully all together, as he strolled through the lobby.

An uber sat outside of the building near the curve, as Tyler stepped out into the chilly morning and slowly slid in.

He was careful to keep his canvas protected as he shut the sleek back door and sat the canvas beside of him.

The car pulled forward without warning as they drove off in an uncomfortable silence as Perth's  city lights reflected onto shop windows and sidewalks.

A few pedestrians walked on the sidewalks as they faded into the review mirror along with his hotel room. He'd rather be in the uncomfortable bed covered in the piles of blankets.

The ride was full of small potholes rocking the car and the occasional sound of shuffling as they drove to the art exhibit.

When they arrived to the red brick building decorated in laminated, promoting posters; Tyler stepped out hurriedly and grabbed his canvas.

The school he is representing through always pays for all his expenses, so when he shut the door the driver sped off without another question.

He walked into the building after taking a well needed deep breath, and found his reserved spot.

He took the index card off of the easel that held his name, and placed his canvas in its place.

Time started to fly by as people started flooding in to the space and looking at all the art hanging on walls, easels, and exhibits.

The nervous riddled brunet decided to uncover his canvas and lay the black sheet next to his feet as he stood tall and crossed his hands over his lower stomach.

Before he knew it, a small group of people had gathered around him and his work of art. Tyler just threw out grateful thank you's and smiles as people complimented his work.

That was until a very petite girl with silver hair and translucent grey eyes spoke up as she nervously tugged at her white and blue floral dress.

"Uhm... if you don't mind me asking, what's this piece called? And what inspired you to paint it?"

Tyler choked up as he nervously pulled at his collar and felt his forehead gather with sweat as he cleared his throat meekly, and smiled.

"I call this one 'Counteract Falling', I painted this piece last night in the late hours when I had trouble sleeping. This image represents how I was feeling in that very moment; vulnerable, scared, lonely, unsure, and all the human emotions we all experience at some point. This is supposed to display the results of your heart and mind pulling in separate ways. It's an internal battle that eats you alive and leaves you constantly second guessing yourself, but you have to keep going and find the answers you're looking for," Tyler rambled as he felt the words flow easily from his heart.

The small girl smiled sadly, almost in an understanding way, as she nibbled nervously on her silver lip ring.

"Did you find your answer?"

Tyler shook his head 'no' as people passed him sympathetic smiles and clapped quietly at his story.

"Don't quit looking, it's in there somewhere," she smiled almost reassuring as she pointed to her chest, to the spot just above her heart.

Tyler smiled as he watched her walk away, and he felt his brain instantly go into over drive...

Is this all just one big mistake...?


I love you, my lil' spookies💞

👽Stay • Alive💀


∆Little Wanderer∇ JøshlerWhere stories live. Discover now