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"Sometimes the only way to ever find yourself is to get completely lost."

-Kellie Elmore


Tyler walks down to the park he adores so much. He's arranged to meet with Josh seeing as they haven't seen each other in a couple of days.

Was they friends?

Tyler liked to think so. They do kiss sometimes, but that's normal right? It's okay to kiss your friends, or so Tyler likes to tell himself. However, he knows he wouldn't enjoy kissing Brendon, and they've been friends for years.

He sighs frustrated with his own mind that he can't escape as he walks along the sun paved cement that has too many cracks to count.

Why does josh make him feel so... different? He can't help the comforting sensation that seems to seep into his soul when he's around the red haired boy. The way his hands sweat with anxiousness, and his body feels like it's on fire.

Josh reminds him he's alive. He gives him that sense of excitement he only feels when he's creating something or singing. Josh feels like music. Sometimes he comes on strong like bass blaring in some famous tune on the radio, and others he's a soft melody from a ballad; alluring and slowly calming your anxious thoughts.

Josh was Tyler's favorite song.

He lets his mind run wild with thoughts of the red haired boy as he takes a seat on the warm bench. The splitting wood rough against his soft hands as he purposely ignores the way his heart is thudding too fast in his chest.

He keeps his head turned towards the ground as he notices patches of clover mix with tall blades of grass; wild flowers scattered throughout the green sea of grass.

The vibrant yellows of tall dandelions and the gentle whites of the fragile wish flowers. He reaches down and grabs the weed that looks like a fluffy cotton ball, and brings it to his cotton candy colored lips and blows. The tiny seeds sail through the air as they get caught in the gentle breeze. Tyler's eyes watches as they float freely on their way to start their own lives somewhere new.

Tyler wishes he could start his life over somewhere new.

"Hey, Ty."

He jerks his head up and pauses his thoughts as he looks towards the heavenly voice. Only Josh's voice could caress his name in such a pure, gentle way. The way it slid off of his tongue and slipped through his velvet red lips.

His mind panicked as he looked at Josh wide eyed and letting out slightly uneven puffs of air. Josh was wearing a floral button up that looked identical to the one Tyler painted on his last painting of himself and his inner demon, Blurryface.

"H-Hey Josh," Tyler says still shocked. It's almost like a happenstance. How could this be, the shirt was a perfect match.

"Is everything okay?" Josh asks with a worried expression as Tyler continues to look like he's seen a ghost.

Tyler allows himself to shake off the bedlam forming in his mind as he shakes his head a little too feverishly, "Y-yeah, I'm fine."

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