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" I have galaxies hidden between my bones, and I will love you until the stars burn out."



As the sun started filtering through the partially cracked blinds, Tyler's hands slowly traveled along Josh's exposed back. Freckles dusted the pale skin like stars splatters against the navy blue sky at night.

It was still early, so early the sky was still a violet hue with a hint of sunlight. Tyler guesses it's about 8 am.

Josh's chest rose and fell at a steady pace as he faced away from Tyler in his bed.  The younger brunet smiled as he carefully crawled out of bed and tip toed out of the room.

The apartment was cold, but Tyler didn't pay it any mind as he walked into the kitchen and turned the coffeepot on.

It gargled as it came to life and the smell of fresh coffee instantly filled the air as he grabbed a cup from the cabinet above the sink.

Josh's Rancid  shirt hung off his shoulders as it consumed his smaller frame, but it still smelt of Josh.

He poured himself a cup of coffee before carefully walking into his living room and opening the blinds. The calming sunlight filled the room enough to make his surroundings visible as he set his coffee cup down and grabbed his canvas.

He positioned the canvas in the center of the room as he grabbed his stool and art supplies. A smile was slowly gracing his lips as he sat down and grabbed his paintbrush.

The outline was easy as he curved the shoulder and started on the head. It was a simple painting, for him anyways, as he envisioned what he was going to create.

He liked drawing a entity that he believed lived within him; who he believed was part of him.

Blurryface is his name, and he isn't necessarily designated to a certain form. Blurryface is in everyone, including Tyler himself. He is in passing faces, mirrors, artworks... well he was in a little bit of everything.

Currently he was taking on a more feminine approach. Tyler was humming as he let his mind falter and his hands automatically went to work.

After what felt like minutes to Tyler, but in reality was actually a couple of hours, Josh emerged from the bedroom in a disheveled state.

His colorful hair was sticking up every which way, his eyes were still hooded with sleep, and his lips were still in a pout.

"Good morning."

Tyler hummed a response back as he finished up his work and started putting his supplies away.

As Tyler stood in front of the sink, rinsing his brushes, Josh stood behind him and snuck his arms around his waist.

Their relationship was more than a friendship, but less than a relationship. Tyler wasn't complaining. He didn't have to worry about Josh loving him or leaving him, because it was all fun and games.

Or at least that's what he told himself.

"You got paint on my shirt, again...," Josh trailed with a chuckle as Tyler gave a lazy shrug in response.

"It was lying on my floor. Finders keepers."

They stood like that for a couple of minutes as they watched the colorful water twirl into a beautiful mess and wash down the drain.

It was fascinating, really. Something so beautiful could be wiped away so easily without even a trace to be seen of its once existence.

"Wanna come cuddle with me until I have to get ready for work?"

Tyler nodded as he put his brushes away and followed after Josh into his bedroom; sneaking under the covers and letting Josh envelope him in his warmth.



Ya girl just applied for some jobs.

I love you, my lil' spookies💞



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