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(n) A lover of rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days.


It's rained all week. The spring showers are regenerating life back into the trees and other various, beautiful blooming plants, fog is circling the trees around the neighborhood, and the sky is a light grey.

Tyler is wearing his olive green raincoat as he walks on the sidewalk to his favorite small park at the end of town. He's never really understood why there is so many alluring things about the rain, yet people fail to recognize it.

The rain gives nature life, and allows it to strive and survive, but when it ruins a baseball field on game day it's considered an abomination.

The one thing Tyler loves the most about rain is the sound. The pitter patter of tiny droplets hitting inanimate objects; especially roofs. Tyler loves it when he sits in his room by the window and watches raindrops race each other down on his fog covered window as he hears the pitter patter of tiny droplets hitting his tin roof.

It soothes Tyler to know he can be alone, but completely content with his life. The sound of rain is a melody of which changes with every chorus; it's never the same. Rain is the music of life.

He finally reaches the park and the shower has now turned to a drizzle. He walks over to the leather, narrow seat of a swing and admires the small water droplets perfectly shaped on the surface. He grabs the cold, wet chains with his nimble fingers as he places himself firmly on the seat and swings his legs.

He's glad the swing he chose isn't squeaky, so he can still hear the rain as it gently falls. Kicking his legs, and willing himself higher Tyler smiles like a kid on Christmas.

Once he's so high he has to lean to keep the seat from trying to flip forward, he slows his kicks and steady's himself out and leans his head all the way back; bearing his neck to the cold droplets and closes his eyes. Tyler lets his mind become blank as he focuses on nothing but being in his exact position.

He laughs as he lets the feeling of serenity wash over him. This is how he lets go of all the stress he's stored up over the last couple of weeks. 

He almost falls backwards as he hears a voice loud and demanding near him screaming his name.

"Tyler, what in the hell are you doing? Are you out of your mind?"

He looks up and locks eyes with red hair.

"Josh, what are you doing here? Why do you keep showing up everywhere I go?" Tyler huffs clearly agitated his moment was ruined.

"I was driving home from work when I seen a mad man swinging in the rain laughing to himself. It's too cold to be out here in the rain, you'll catch the flu," Josh says sternly watching the boy huff like a small child.

"I'm a grown man, and I have you know I'm very capable of taking care of myself," Tyler fires back; folding his arms over his chest like a scolded child.

"Let's get you home," Josh says trying to nudge Tyler in the direction of the black Stingray.

"Nope, I'm staying right here," Tyler argues stubbornly as he digs his heals into the muddy earth.

Josh glares at the smaller boy as Tyler jerks away from Josh's grip and heads back to his previous spot on the swings.

After watching Tyler slowly gain speed again, he takes in how happy the boy actually looks. He has to admit he loves seeing the smaller brunet in a state of bliss.

He doesn't say a word as he silently walks to the swing beside of Tyler and sits down; feeling the water droplets soak through his thin pants instantly. He grabs the cold, slippery chains and kicks his feet; scuffing his perfectly polished, black shoes in the mulch.  They swing in sync, and Tyler opens his eyes and notices Josh while he offers the boy an award winning smile and laughs; making Josh join in.

They swing and laugh their asses off for no apparent reason until the slight drizzle transforms into a down pour. The boys both attempt to see each other through the downpour as they jump from their swings and run to Josh's car for shelter.

Once they reach the car Josh unlocks the doors and they hurriedly jump in. They're shaking from the cold seeping into their bones, but they're both smiling like fools. Josh reaches to turn the heat on as he starts the car, and they watch as the hot air hits the windows causing condensation.

Tyler pressed his dainty hand to the widow watching the imprint slowly disappear just as fast as it appeared. Josh sat in the drivers seat watching the smaller boy in awe as he did so.

"So, where do you wanna go?" Josh asks as he looks at Tyler grinning.

"Can we just drive around?" Tyler asks back as he stares at the world around him in amazement.

Josh doesn't reply as he pulls forward and cruises the nearly empty streets of Ohio. Tyler stares out the window in admiration of how the water droplets and condensation makes the city lights to look even more glorious. The way the tiniest fragments reflect and everything's green, yellow, and red.

While Tyler admires the world around him, Josh is finding it hard to keep his eyes off the small, mysterious boy sitting in his passenger seat sopping wet.


When Josh finally gets Tyler home the sky is turning a dark grey and the rain has stopped, but thunder is still rumbling every so often. They had spent the day admiring the rain, well Tyler admiring the rain as Josh admired Tyler.

Tyler walked into his house and watched Josh drive away through his window, waving a final goodbye with a slight blush.

He said a goodnight to Brendon who was sitting on the couch with his boyfriend Dallon and smiles at the two before heading to his bedroom.

He went and changed into some sweats as he walked over to his desk and grabbed his black journal:

Josh found me at the park playing in the rain today. He was worried about me catching the flu, but I assured him I could take care of myself. He gave in and joined me for hours admiring the rain. I'm glad I got to share that experience with him, because he's a nice guy. I don't think he's ever played in the rain, and I'm sure he ruined his expensive outfit. I loved watching him let loose today. I think Josh is finally learning to dance in the rain.


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