6//Getting Ready

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After the event that took place two months ago, I was slowly getting ready for this tour. It started in two weeks and I was actually a little scared. We practiced day and night.

For the little time we had, I'd say we were doing great. "Why you'on wanna come out wit'cha man?" August questioned as he got ready to go pick up the girls and do something with them.

"Because I'm sore."

"So? The girls wanna see you." He jogged down the stairs.

"Auuuug. Stop making me feel bad." He grabbed his keys off the table then looked back down at me.

"Then come."

"I don't feel like getting ready."

"Girl get yo ass ready. I'a be by ta' pick you up when I get them." He hung up in my face.

I huffed and stood up. I knew he was serious about picking me up so went to go get ready. As much as I didn't want to go, I was going to.

I guess you can say at this point that me and him are dating. We haven't made anything official though. Of course, The Shade Room feels the need to post '#BaeWatch #AugustAlsina and his boo.' All the time. As annoying as it was, I had to get used to it if I wanted to be with him.

After I got done getting dressed and putting on my makeup, he texted me telling me to come outside. I went to the kitchen to grab some candy and fruit snacks for the girls and walked outside to his truck. Before I could get in, he got out and opened my door.

"Why you gotta be so difficult?"

"Because you don't need to be opening yo' own door." He smiled and closed the door for me.

"Hey auntie!" They all yelled making me smile.

"Hey girls, you want some fruit snacks?"


"Na' why would you bring some damn fruit snacks? You know they get hyper."

"Because I gotta be the best god mommy I can be." I smiled and handed them their fruit snacks.

"Thank you!" Kay shouted.

"Na' why you gotta be so loud Kay, jeez?" Chay asked her making me chuckle.

"Same reason why you annoyin'." She rolled her eyes.

I felt my phone vibrate making me look down at my lap and see that August tagged me in a picture on Instagram.

@AugustAlsina : Look at my shawty @Carmenxbabyy

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@AugustAlsina : Look at my shawty @Carmenxbabyy

As always, my notifications started blowing up not that I was complaining. "Look at my fine self."I pulled the mirror above me down and looked at myself.

"Yeah, look at my baybeh." He placed his hand on my thigh.


The first stop was golfing, "Baybeh you betta gwt this ball in the hole." He fussed as the girls were winning.

"Shut up!" I held the stick up at him, "I will hit you with this, try me nigga."

"Ouu feisty." I threw the ball that was in my hand at him before hitting the ball into the hole.

"Babe I finally did it!" I squealed.

"Auntie Carmen you did it!" Mya cheered, making me smile. They were some happy kids and I was glad that I came out with them today.

"I did huh?"

"Mhm, now Uncle Aug you don't do it." Chay spoke causing me to laugh, yet again. He hit the ball in the hole making them pout, he high-fived me. "Don't be a sore loser." He teased as we moved on. It was only put-put golf so it was easy for them.

After golf we went to go play laser tag and go out to eat. It was a fun day overall. Now we were back at his house and I went to his closet to find my underwear so I could take a shower. Yes, I had clothes over here only because he told me to.



"Whea' you at?" His voice got closer; louder.

"In the closet." I stood up as I finally found them just as he walked in, my towel fell. "Oh shit." I quickly picked my towel up and wrapped it around my body as he stared at me.

"Gotdamn." He shook his head and watched me walk out of his huge closet. I walked to his bathroom, closed and locked the door. I was slowly gaining weight and Essence and Arieanna were noticing. They made slick comments that shouldn't matter but they did. On the inside I was insecure.

When I was done showering I walked out and he wasn't in the room so I was guessing he was in his man cave. I walked downstairs and that's where I found him.

His eyes were red and low. He blew the smoke out before looking at me in the eyes before speaking

 He blew the smoke out before looking at me in the eyes before speaking

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"Whatchu' need?"

"Nothing. I was just going to sleep and I knew I'd find you down here." I shrugged. He smashed his blunt before pulling me down into his lap.

"Why was you actin' so insecure?"

"Because I'm gaining weight and I don't think you'd like the extra weight I'm putting on, I don't like it myself."

"Allis' is fine as hell ta' me. You had a nigga dick gettin' hard." I busted out laughing.

"Alright. Well, I'm tired so I'm going to bed." I pecked his lips and stood up.

"I'a be up thea' soon."

"Okay goodnight."

"Goodnight baby." He smirked and nodded.


Giving something short I guess.

Go check my bestfriends iamonly_essence & arieannaaaaa books or we will fight.

yeah. Vote, comment😛

Excuse mistakes.

Published 5/5/16

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