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After sitting in the waiting room for hours and hours, the only news that I got was him being shot three times, one was one inch away from his heart, one in the left leg, one in the arm. Which I already knew. They also told me he slipped into a coma. That broke my heart into pieces, literally.

I was currently sitting in the room with him and holding his hand. They don't know if he's gonna make it but he does have a sink chance of living. The whole thing was stressing me out. I can't lose him. We literally just got married, why us?

His mom sat in a chair far away from his bed. She was crying and although u wanted to get up and hug her, I couldn't because I needed to be by his side. I wasn't leaving this room until he did.

Travis sat in the chair on the other side of me with his head down with his left hand in his hands. I believe he was praying. Tima was also here. She sat over by Sheila and rubbed her back while Callie was sitting in her lap, sleeping.

Cha was here with the girls and they were also sleep. Almost everyone was sleep since we had been here for almost six hours but I couldn't sleep knowing my husband was laying in this bed fighting for his life. Visiting hours were almost over and I would be the only one that could stay. Essence and Arieanna had agreed to watch Aubrey and Carson for me while August was in the hospital. I tried telling them they didn't have to but they insisted so.

I don't know how, but the media already knows about August being in the hospital. They knew about it in the first hour. Of course they weren't being let in. I'm sure they were trying to get in now, still.

As another hour rolled around, visiting hours were over and Cha told me she would bring me some clothes when she came back in the morning.

Everyone gave me a hug before leaving out the door. I sighed as I sat alone trying to figure out how all of this happened so fast. Why was he the only one shot? Who did this? Why would someone do this?

One of the doctors came in to check up on him and nothing changed, of course. He gave me a look of sympathy before leaving out of the room. I pulled my phone out and texted Essence to see if my babies were okay. They were so I went on Twitter.

CarmenAlsina: Please pray for August..😭🙏🏽

I immediately got retweets and likes on my post. I scrolled through some of the comments that came through before closing the app. I eventually fell asleep until the morning and still no progress. It's not like it's gonna happen overnight.

Cha came two hours after I woke up and gave me my clothes. She had to go to work so she told me she would be back up here later.

Travis came around noon because he had to wait for Tima to get ready and Callie was acting up. Sheila came a little before them.

There wasn't much talking since there was really nothing to talk about. Plus, I didn't want to talk so if anyone said something to me, I wouldn't answer. The doctors came in once again with the same news. I was tired of hearing the same thing already and he hadn't even been in here for two days yet.


It's been almost three weeks since he's been in a coma. After the second week, the family convinced me to go home. Which I did. I was there in the morning until night. I would bring the kids to see him sometimes just so they can see their dad.

I haven't been doing too good though. I've been drinking nonstop. Sheila stays here with me. I don't really care about my health right now. I know August would be on my ass right now if he knew I was downstairs drinking two bottles of Hennessy. It felt good to me though because my husband is still not making any progress. It's the same thing every single time I walked in them doors. Will he even wake up?

Everyone asks me how am I doing but how the fuck do you think I'm doing? That's a dumb ass question. And it's not just that, everyone expects me to be strong but how can I be? Everyone is acting like this is something easy when it's not. I feel Numb.

"Sweetheart, I know your going through it but please stop the drinking. It's not gonna help."

"Then what will?"


"No. If I can't have August here with me then I'm going to continue drinking." I waved her off.



I was walking where I saw the light. I was only a few feet away when I heard my name being called by a boy and a man. I turned around and frowned as I looked at my brother and some boy.

"Aug what is you doin'?" Mel asked me.

"Yeah daddy. You not supposed to go there yet. Your supposed to be going that way." He pointed in the opposite direction of where I was walking.


"No nigga, you goin' that way." Mel walked up to me and pushed me.

"Man let me go! I'm goin' ta' the light." I got out of his grip and started walking again. My legs were starting to shake but that didn't stop me from going into the light.


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