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As Carmen was scrolling through her Instagram, she came across a few pictures and videos of her and August. She knew what it would be like to be with him but it was slowly becoming irritating.

He's used to it but she isn't. She doesn't want pictures being taken of her all the time. But knowing who she's dealing with, she'd suck it up.

She decided she would finally get up and go grocery shopping. They had food but their snacks were running low since they've been eating them all.

When she got out of the car, there was paparazzi. She tried walking fast but they were still in her way.

How does it feel to August Alsina's girlfriend?

Where's August? Did you guys break up?

Before anymore questions could come out she responded, "Get the fuck out of my face." She pushed through them and entered the store. Sighing, she grabbed a cart and went down the chip aisle.

She looked down at her ringing phone and sighed before answering it.

"Yes August?"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm fine. What do you want?"

"What's wrong?"

"August. What do you want?"

"Luh girl. Tell me what's wrong."

"I'm just stressed."

"And why you stressed?"

"Aren't you at work? Get back to work?"

"Nah. Why you stressed?"

"I'm at the store. We can talk later."

"Yeah." He hung up before letting her reply.

August knew it had something to do with him because TMZ posted a video of her walking in the store right before he called. But there had to be something else that was wrong because he felt it.

But instead of pressuring her to talk to him he just hung up because he was getting frustrated. He knew that if he wouldn't bring it up later, they won't talk about it.

Finishing up one of the songs on the new album, he grabbed everything an headed home. He figured she would be on her way soon since it never took long when she went to grab a couple of things at the store.

Plus he was tired. Although he's been cutting work, he wasn't so worried about sleep.

"Hello?" He answer the phone.

"Hello August. You remember you have a show in two days right?" His manager reminded him.

"Yeah Alyssa. I remember." He sighed and turned down the street.

"You don't seem like you did."

"Man get the fuck on." He hung up.

He hated being told shit about himself from other people. Especially when it came from Alyssa. She always thought she knew something when she doesn't. At first she was cool but she's changed over the past few months.

Carmen was pulling up at the same time August was. He parked his car and hoped out. He walked up to the door and unlocked it before seeing if Carmen needed help.

"I got it." She walked past him as he sighed. He didn't know what he did and with him leaving tomorrow, he didn't want her to be mad at him.

He sat in the dining room for a little bit before deciding he was ready to talk now. "Carmen!" He yelled making her jump.

She hurried up in the bathroom and walked down the steps. "Yeah?"

"Let's talk." She sighed and followed him into the dining room. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing August."

"Carmen. What the fuck is wrong?" He hovered over her as her eyes began to water. "Why you fuckin' cryin'?"

"Nothing August."

"So you gon' sit hea' and lie ta' my face?" She shook her head and started sobbing. He pulled her into his chest and let her cry. He hated seeing her cry. "Baybeh, what's wrong?"

"I-I-" her words for stuck in the back of her throat.

"Breathe." He rubbed her back.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." She whispered making him frown. "I'm pregnant." He stopped rubbing her back and pulled away.


"I don't know. I'm sorry." He was happy that she was pregnant and couldn't wait to see him child.

"Why you sarry? I'm happy as hell." He grinned and kissed her forehead.

"I know how this goes. You're famous. There a chance you may lose fans. Your manager won't be happy. There a lot of things-"

"Shut allat up. I'on care about it." She sighed and nodded.

"Well, don't you have a show in two days?"

"Yeah. You making a appointment?"

"Yeah. I'll make it for the day after."

"Alright. Lemme go pack then we can chill." She nodded and went to the bathroom down the hall and wiped her face before splashing water on her face.

They were both happy about the pregnancy. It hadn't really settled in yet but they were happy. Especially August, he was a father now. Was all he kept saying in his head. 


Mm yea😈

How are y'all? Y'all good? You need someone to talk to?

If you have a book, comment and I'll read it.

Vote, comment pls.

Excuse mistakes.

Is it love?//August Alsina FanFic//Editing SoonWhere stories live. Discover now