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Carmen and August were just not arriving at his first meet and greet. They hadn't got out of the car yet because Carmen was trying to eat the rest of August's food so they were arguing.

"Just let me have it August!" Carmen whined.

"No Carmen, shit."

"But babe I'm still hungry." Tears filled her eyes making him sigh. "Please?"

"Carmen, baybeh, we gon' be late. Why you ain't jus' get the large?"

"I didn't think I would want more. I'm sorry. Let's just go in."


"No. I-I'm fine. Let's go." He sighed and put everything in the bag before knocking on the window so Big T would open the door for them.

August got out first, he reached for Carmen's hand and helped her out. When they were both out, Big T lead them through the doors quickly. They walked in hand in hand. They had everything set up so all they had to do was get settled.

"Baybeh." August called out as Carmen sat on the bench that wasn't near him.


"C'mere." He chuckled. He knew she was nervous about this all. She stood up and he pulled her in front of him. "You gon' sit right hea'. If they don't want you to be in the pictures then jus' stand ta' the side. Aiight? Don't take it personal."


"Show ya' man some love be'fo they walk in." She got in her tip-toes and kissed him on the lips. August got carried away and gripped her behind in his hands while the doors were opening. Travis tried to get his attention before hand but they both weren't listening and they couldn't wait any longer.

"August!" The fans yelled making him chuckle which resulted in pulling away from the intense kiss and peck her lips before they both sat down.

"Hey Aug." A fan side hugged him as they took a picture which was taken by Travis. All of them would be taken by him.

"Wazzam love?"

"I wanna have Carmen in the picture too." The fan smiled Carmen's way as she stood up. Since she had taken her jacket off you could see her small stomach. Since she was only three months it was just a pudge but it was bigger than most.

They all took a picture while August answered questioned and was on to the next fan. That was the repeated cycle for the rest of the night.

"C'mon Carmen." August groaned as she laid her head on the table.

"August hold on. Give me five minutes." She was tired and barely got any sleep earlier. He waited five minutes and then she finally sat up. She had bags under her eyes and hoped that in the pictures you couldn't see them.

"You still hungry?" She shook her head and grabbed his hand. There were fans outside but not many. They asked to take a picture which they did and now they were leaving. "You enjoy ya' self?"

Is it love?//August Alsina FanFic//Editing SoonWhere stories live. Discover now