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"August." Carmen walked in the room. She wanted to know what had him acting the way he did.

She also didn't mean that he had to cut work to spend time with her. "What Carmen? If you 'bout to nag, go. I'on wanna hear it." She sighed and sat down next to him on their bed. She looked around the room before her eyes landed in his face.

"That's not what I came in here for." Her voice came out soft. He looked at her.

"Then whatchu come in hea' fa'?"

"Um, I didn't mean that you had to cut work or anything. It's just, w-we're falling apart and-" Her words got caught in her throat as tears immediately came inning down her cheeks. She didn't know why she was crying.

"Why you cryin'?" He rubbed her back to smooth her feelings. "I'an do nothin' too bad, did I?"

"No. It's just I don't like that we're falling apart. I had realized that I do spend a lot of time with Lawrence and I'll stop. I don't wanna lose you over him. But I promise you he's just a employee." She stressed. She truly cares for August and she wanted to know what had him so..insecure. She wasn't going anywhere and he needed to know that.

"Why you ain't been said somethin'?"

"Because, you're always gone.." It was true, he was always gone. He was basically never home.

"Well, next time come talk ta' me. I'on mean ya' do none of this shit on purpose. I luh you boo." Carmen smiled. It made her heart feel so much better after the mini talk that they had. It felt good to let him know how she truly felt.

"I love you too." He grinned and licked his lips. "Can I ask you something?" He nodded for her to continue, "Why are you so insecure like?"

"When I was in school a I got bullied a lot. It didn't stop until I was a senior since I was the oldest in the class. That's where my insecurities come from. I may seem like I'm real confident but I'm not." She pulled him into a hug and he gladly hugged back.

She liked that they were actually talking. "I think you're perfect." She grinned while he just stared at her. He didn't believe what was coming out of her mouth. "I promise you." She grabbed his face in her hands. His face was so smooth.

"Aiight." He cleared his throat.

"Seriously August." She looked deep in his brown eyes. She watched the way his eyes moved before placing her lips onto his.

"I believe you." He grabbed the back of her head and pulled her onto his lap. "I'a stop." Carmen nodded before her phone rang. He looked at it beside her and shook his head. "I'm finna go take a shower." A look of disappointment flashed across her face as he slightly pushed her off of him so he could stand up, "Ansa' dat, I know you got to." She sighed before answering the phone.



"What do you want Lawrence?"

"Well then, I'm sorry for callin', bestie."

"Please don't call me that. Matter of a fact, don't call unless it's an emergency." August had came out of the bathroom because he forgot his towel so he heard everything she had said.

"Man.. Aiight." She hung up without replying.

"Yeen have ta' do dat." He pulled his clothes off.

"I did." She bit her lip while looking at his member.

He snapped his finger in her face, "Stop." She was still looking, "Carmen!"


"Stop fuckin' lookin'."

"I'm sorry but it's been sooooo long."

"It's been three weeks."

"That's a long time."

"It's not. I'm 'bout ta' go get in the shower." He walked away and got inside of the shower. After a few minutes, she decided she was going to go get in the shower with him. "Fuck is you doin'?" He frowned.

"Baaaaabe." She whined.

"Cut that whinin' shit out." She pouted and folded her arms across her chest.

"We missed you." The girls ran over to Carmen who was sitting on the couch in pain.

"I missed you guys too." She smiled and they jumped on her making her hiss.

"What's wrong?" Kay asked making August smirk as he plopped down on the couch next to her.

"Yeah baybeh, was' wrong?"

"I um, I tripped going up the steps." She made up a lie making August laugh.

"Why you laugh? Das' not funny." Mya looked at him.

"Yeah." Chay added.

"Aiight. It ain't funny. I'm sarry baybeh."

"Mhm." She handed the remoter to Chay and stood up to get her phone from the island in the kitchen.

"You walkin' funny." Kay laughed and so did everybody else.

When she grabbed her phone she took a seat on August's lap and laid on her side. "So you jus' gon' sit hea' witout askin'?" She nodded and took a picture of them on the couch and posted it on Snapchat after saving it. She also posted it on Instagram.


Short, yeah I know.

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I'm not feeling this tbh.

Excuse mistakes.

Published 5/10/16 👀

Is it love?//August Alsina FanFic//Editing SoonWhere stories live. Discover now