Chapter 15

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Chorong's POV:
The man quickly pulled his hood off, " sorry I hope you don't think I'm a stalker eh" the man chuckles nervously.
I widened my eyes just realizing who this guy is," ah Jimin! How are you?" I asked delightfully.
Jimin was my best friend during elementary. Although he was a grade younger we would still hang out like we were in the same grade. We would go by the park and hang out and eat ice cream together that was probably the best after school kind of things we would do. I silently chuckle to myself as I thought about the time that he would always follow me around like a little kid.
" I well I'm actually doing-" just as he was about to finish his sentence Luhan came out the front door.
"Oh Jimin? What are you doing here?" Luhan patted him on the back.
"Oh I just came to say hi but I hope I'm not bothering You " Jimin scratched the back of his head running off before we could hold him back.
"that was weird" I said knowing that both Luhan and I were aware of the way Jimin was acting. " so you you wanna go now?" Luhan nodded as I tossed the keys to him. Luhan quickly caught it between his teeth and smirked. I frowned" show off"
"Yah! We there yet?" As you could tell I was excited about our house which made the ride seem longer.
  " be patient Rong we're almost there." Luhan held my hand making me be less childish and more in love.
  After what seemed like forever we stopped by a large neighbor hood with million dollar homes. " Is this... Where we're going to be living?" My looks spoke louder than my words as my eyes wandered around the area.
  " You like it?" Luhan pulled me closer while walking me to what seemed to be our future house. I kept silent as I was too interested in the house.
  " You do like it right? Cause' I already payed for it?" What Luhan said made me chuckle, "of course I like it, but I really don't care where we live or sleep Luhan, I'll be happy if I stayed in the swamp, but it's because you'll be with me."
  Luhan came closer to me giving me a tender kiss, I came closer tangling my fingers in his dark brown locks and moving my lips with an interesting rhythm. We pulled apart and stared into each other's eyes filled with the same lovely feeling. I felt like crying out of nowhere but I didn't know exactly why. It happened though, the tears fell down slowly as I kept staring at him making him have that slight panicky twitch in his eyes," what's wrong did I do some thing baby?!" I just sniffed and shook my head. " why're you crying honey?" He spoke softer this time.
  " I love you Luhan, a lot" I felt like a kid crying for no reason. I couldn't keep my emotions in. Luhan came closer again, yet this time pulling my into a hug tucking my head into his chest.
  " me too. I love you, a lot" I felt relieved. Even when I heard this a million times from him, this time I felt his confirmation that he'll never let me go.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter , please keep reading I m sorry if I took long to update😩 but I love youu! 😘

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