Chapter 1

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"The Super Power Academy of Heroes"

(The S.P.A.H.)

Cole's P.O.V.

I am not your typical British teen. My life is all about good grades, excellency, high honer, and of course being compared to my twin brother. No time for mess ups or any thing that my parents won't approve. My parents had me for a reason and one reason only, to be the best Super Hero of all time, just like my father, "Captain Visible".

That's why they are sending me and my brother to the "Super Power Academy of Heroes". This school or "Academy" is the best in the country. People from all around the world send their children to this school. Well, try to send them to this boarding school. They give you an academic test, a physical test, and a super power test. And of course I got an A+ in all three!! And if I didn't get an A+, my parents would have killed me. Even if I got an A with out the plus, they would not approve. But I plan to keep my good grades, not like my brother who's failing in every class. Would you believe that he had all B+ last year. My parents went mad. They even took away the love of his life, Nicole, his guitar. Father even made him promise him to get A+ this new school year.

Lets see how it goes for me and Caleb...

Caleb's P.O.V.

Me and my identical twin brother, always being compared. I am so tired of it! This new school year, I am not going to be the same. I will be different from Cole. So people won't confuses us or compare us. And thank God its a boarding school, cause I'm tired of my parents nagging at me. Telling me to raise my grades, don't play the guitar in the living room or the family room, no texting after 9:20, do this do that, oh and the one that I hate the most is, why aren't you as good as Cole. Cole this, Cole that. This year I'm Not going to look, I'm not going to talk, I'm not going to walk, I'm not going to do anything like Cole.

People won't even know I'm his twin...

Isabelle's P.O.V.

Wow! I can't believe tomorrow is my fist day in high school! I'm very excited, but also really nervous. I hope my excellent grades and shyness don't get in the way of my abilities, like it always does. Making me get in trouble for things that i didn't do. That's what I hate most about my shyness. People blame things they did on me, and I don't even have the courage to say, it wasn't me, it was him or her. I don't even know why people see me as a target. I'm a very likable fifth teen year old girl. What? Do I look like I have a sign on my forehead saying bully me! I don't think so! My mom is always mad at me because of that. She says that its time for me to stand up for myself. Say, I am Isabelle Collins and I am not a bully magnet!

That's why this year I have goals. I want to be outstanding, not only in grades, but in powers and of course, beauty. In this new school, I want everybody to know who I am and what my powers are. I don't want to be the person that gets picked on because I'm afraid to use my awesome powers.

This year is gonna be so different for me. Watch out world, cause there's a new fierce girl in town.

Nick's P.O.V.

This is going to be hard for me. I'm from Australia and moving from my country to America seems a bit scary. And starting in a new school is another reason to be scared. I'm worried, because kids always bother me mostly because of my powers. They think that the only thing I can do is move water. But no. I'm a water bender, I can do so much more than move water. I just have to show every one what I can really do with water. Water can be gentle, but it can also be dangerous. I need to be more like my mother. She's a water bender too, but she isn't scared of no one or anything. She's mastered it already, but my parents are sending me to this new school, because it's the best one in 40 countries including mine. They want me to get the best education possible.

I want to be the best water bender in the academy.

Amanda's P.O.V.

O.M.G! I am so excited! I can't wait to leave tomorrow! I think I won't be able to sleep tonight. I'm so excited to go! Even though, I will miss my parents and my younger sister. I'm really attached to my family. My family, they're my best friends. I've never been a popular girl and I have never wanted to be. But other teens usually don't get along with me, because of my power. They think Healing is the most boring power ever and that its useless. But they haven't thought that some one like me can save their lives. Healers should be given more props.

But anyway, back to this awesome new school. The first thing I'm going to do is sign up for Drama club, Cheer leading, and of course Volleyball. This year is going to be so awesome and so much fun! I can't wait to try to make new friends and try to meet new people!

Tonight I will not sleep, because of all this excitement!

**Author's note**

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Yours truly- Kenn

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