Chapter 9

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Serena's P.O.V.

Turn off the video and shot the laptop, and all of you go to sleep! (says to them, while touching them one by one. They fall to the floor. And she goes on the computer) Got the video! Come on girls lets get out of here! (they leave Caleb and Fin's dorm, and head to theirs) Hopefully the didn't see the video completely.

Ashley- Yeah! We're gonna have to get a new secret room. And move all our stuff there.

Yes. lest do that. But where do we move too?

Britney- Maybe the attic! (says with excitement)

Britney there is no attic here! We are not home! We're at school! Do You Understand? (she says while opening the door to exit the building)

Britney- Yes I do. (says happy)

Oh my God. (places her left hand on her face)

Ashley- How about in our dorm room. We can just hide things really carefully. And nobody enters our room anyway.

Yeah. That sound good. At least until now. Ok, Britney you shape shit into a box, so we can get everything that's in the basement and place it up here in our room!

Britney- Ok!..


Nick's P.O.V.

(he wakes up from the floor) Huh? What happened? (looks around and sees the others on the floor sleeping) Why are you all sleeping? Hey! Guys! Wake up!

Isabelle- Huh? (she wakes up) What, what happened?

Cole- (he and the other wakes up and stand up from the ground) This has Serena and her sidekicks name on it.

Are you sure?

Caleb- I think so too! Her power is very dangerous.

Amanda- We need to be more careful with her! And next time lets remember to lock the door!

But do you guys remember what was on the video?

Caleb- I think so. It was a security tape.

Cole- Yeah, showing when I escaped from Alex. And we got surprised when we saw Alex's power.

And his power was super speed!

Amanda- Yeah! That was it. I guess we all remember what we saw in the video.

Isabelle- At least Serena doesn't erase memories!

Then aren't we going to go after them!

Caleb- Not today. Its already late and I have to dye my hair back to my natural color. And we also have school tomorrow.

So tomorrow at recess?

Isabelle- Yes.

Caleb- Yeah.

Amanda- Ok.

Cole- Fine by me.


Amanda's P.O.V.

We need to get that video before lunch time!

Isabelle- Why?

  We have drama club try outs, remember?

Isabelle- Oh, right! I completely forgot about that.

Mrs. Mcgraw- Silence class! No talking while I'm writing on the board!

Hey Serena. Give us the video or else. (whispers to Serena which is sitting next to her)

Serena- What are you going to do to me. Heal me. Wow I'm so scared.

I won't heal you. Even though you need it. But I will do something bad.

Serena- Still not scared.

Mrs. Mcgraw- I hear whispering! And I don't like it! (says while still writing on the board)

Bring (goes the school bell)

Mrs. Mcgraw- (turns around to face the class) Class dismiss!

Caleb's P.O.V.

Guys I have a plan. (says while walking out of the class room) Hey you! Serena and her group! A word please! (Serena turns around approaches them)

Serena- Hey. You dyed your hair! (notices his hair) I liked it more when it was green! So, what do you want? "Sherlocks"!

You and your sidekicks vs us the "Sherlocks". How you and Alex call us.

Ashley- "Vs"?

Yeah! That's what I said! "Vs", are you scared to fight us for the video?

Serena- Oh, we're not scared. But what I don't get is, why do you want this video so bad?

Isabelle- Because that's evidence of what happened to Cole!

Serena- I still don't get it. Alex is already in jail. What more do you want.

My question is, why do you want that video so bad?

Serena- None of your business! Lets just fight for the video!

Ok, perfect! Today at 4:30, behind the gym. Bring the video!

Nick- Oh and don't spread the word. Ok!

Serena- Fine... See you then, Sherlocks! (leaves with Britney and Ashley)

Amanda- I can't wait...


Isabelle's P.O.V.

Finally! Drama try outs are over. (says while walking out of the theater to the hallway with Amanda) I think I did pretty good. And you?

Amanda- Yeah. I know I'll get in. (they walk toward the door to exit the building)

Yeah but you now I'm not as good as- Uh! (gets bumped)

Jason- Ops! I am so sorry. Are you ok?

I'm Isabelle. I-I-I mean, (she stutters) I'm fine. And you?

Jason- I'm Jason. I mean. I'm fine too. (says in a flirty voice)

H-h-h-Hi. (stutters again)

Jason- Well hi. Would you like me to buy you a smuthy? Its my way of saying sorry.


Amanda- Yes! She would love for you to buy her a smuthy.

Jason- So when can she?

Amanda- Oh, She's not busy right now! But at four, we have something.

Jason- Ok! Lets go, Isabelle?

O-ok. (they leave together)

Amanda's P.O.V.

Ok! Bye Isabelle! The things I do for her. (phone rings) Hello?

Cole- Hey Amanda?

Oh. Hi Cole.

Cole- I was wondering if you had something to do tomorrow at 6 pm?

Well no, not for now.

Cole- Would you like to go on a date with me?

Huh! O.M.G! I cant believe what he just asked me! (thinks to herself) Yes!

Cole- Ok. Awesome!

Where are you taking me?

Cole- It's a surprise.

Oh ok. Yay! (screams in her head)...

**Author's note**

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Yours truly- Kenn

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