Chapter 3

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Nick's P.O.V.

  I'm finally here at school! (looks around the place) Wow, this is awesome! I didn't know it was gonna be this great... Now I have to go really fast, get my room and my class schedule. Then unpack my things or just leave every thing and go strait to class. What should I do? I'm pretty sure I'm going get to class late anyways... (walks towards a girl in the main hall way) Excuse me. Hi! I'm new here can you tell me where's the B12 building?

Samantha- Hello! Welcome to the academy. (smiles at him)

  Thank you!

Samantha- So you're looking for B12? That's straight ahead, you exit the building and you'll find your self in front of the central park pond. Cross the pond bridge and the B12 building is right there in the middle. You can't miss it.

  Thanks a lot mate! (starts to run slowly)

Samantha- I'm Samantha, by the way! (waves good bye)

  The names Nick! (turns his head around to see her waving at him, he waves back).

Isabelle's P.O.V.

  So last night was really cool. Me and Amanda really clicked. We have so many thing in common. We like the same kind of music, series, movies, food, and celebrities. We stayed up all night talking and listening to music. We finally fell asleep like at 3:00 am. Now I'm so tired. Omg, I'm gonna fall asleep during class. But anyway it was worth it, cause I know Amanda and I will be really good friends! To bad I only get two classes with her. English and P.T. (power training). Yeah, we get the best class together. Can't wait for P.T!

  Come on Amanda! We have to go eat breakfast at the lunchroom.

     Amanda- Oh yeah! I have to get use to that.

  Me too! I'm used to having breakfast with my family in my house, not at school...

Caleb's P.O.V.

  Yesterday ended bad. I tried dyeing my hair blond and it turned green, cause I left the hair dye on way to long. I bought some green colored contacts and when I opened the contacts box, they were yellow contacts. Yeah this was my way of look different from Khole. Oh and, Fin burnt my bass! I can not be angrier right now! If I had his powers, I would of burnt his face!

Fin- Hey! I said I was sorry!

  Yeah, is sorry going to get me a new bass? I don't think so!

Anyway, I'm going to talk to the room mate adviser. Cause this is not over! I need my bass.

Fin- Hey, you don't have to talk to Wanda. I can pay you back!

  Oh yeah? Then I want the money by the end of this week! Or else I am going to go to Wanda.

Oh my God! It's already 8:00 am! I have to go, class start in 15 minutes.

Fin- So what ?!

Amanda's P.O.V.

  First period and I'm already dead. Wow! Words can't describe how tired am I. And this is supposed to be my first class with Isabelle. I sat next to Isabel to try to keep her awake and vice versa.

Hey Isabelle how tired are you ?

Isabelle- Extremely tired.

But we had so much fun last night, right?

Isabelle- Totally!

Teacher- Ok Class! Lets introduce our selves, and say whats your power! I will be the last on to be introduced. Ok, lets start with you! (points with her right hand index finger at Amanda)

Hello. (starts to fall asleep) Myyyyy NAME is Amanda Gomez.  And I am a healer!

Teacher- Next!

Serena- Hey! My name is Serena Perry and my power is compelling!

Teacher- Next!

Caleb- Hi every one! My name is Caleb Masterson and my power is extreme glow.

Teacher- Next! (and so on)

Cole's P.O.V.

Teacher-  And you?

  Hello. I'm Cole Sugg and  my power is invisibility.

Teacher- Wait, are you the son of "Captain Visible"?!

   Yeah! I am.

Teacher- It's an honor to meet you, the son of Captain Visible! And your twin brother? Is he here also?

  Well... (looks around the class room and spots Caleb) I guess not. Of course I knew he was here. I guess he couldn't get the complete opposite of my class schedule. And I can't believe he changed his last name, colored his hair green, and yellow contacts, really. (thinks to himself)

Nick's P.O.V.

Sorry I'm Late! Did class start already? (says while entering the class room)

Teacher- Yes. Class did start. (gives him a nasty look) So now that you have arrived, you can be next to introduce yourself.

  Well, I'm Nick Hemsworth. I'm a water bender.

Teacher- Don't be late to my class again. (eyes turn red)

Of course. (hearts starts to beat fast and swallows heavily)

Teacher- Ok. Now that every one has presented themselves, it's my turn. My name is Regina McGraw, but for you Mrs. McGraw. And my super power is heat vision. So when ever you get me mad, my eyes will get red. And If you get a bad grade or so, you will get a burnt  F. And trust me you do not want to see me using my power, cause when I do, I can't stop.

Class- (scared, nerves, freaked, gasping)...      

**Author's note**

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                                                           Yours truly- Kenn

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