Chapter 7

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Isabelle's P.O.V.

  Yesterday was such a hectic day. I was so worried, cause we couldn't find you after you disappeared. (looks at Cole) And then when Nick called me yesterday in the morning, saying that you hadn't come back yet, (looks at Nick) and you told me to go to the main office to inform them that Cole was still missing. I was just thinking the worts. I didn't even have a good night sleep.

Nick's P.O.V.

   Me either! I was scared for Cole. Not knowing where he was . At least Caleb and I got there just on time... And I still can't believe what I did to the school guard. I had never done something like that before. I felt so powerful, like a hero! And my favorite part was when I froze him to the ground. Hahaha! It was so cool! (stares at Cole) And I'm so happy that your ok, and he actually did not harm you. Physically at least. And I still can't figure out how Alex the guard, kidnapped you with out anyone seeing anything?

Amanda's P.O.V.

  If you would of gotten hurt badly, I could of healed you. So you didn't have to worry about that. And yeah, how did he kidnap you like that? Maybe, Alex has the power to teleport! That way it would of been really easy for him to get you. Right? Think about it...

Cole's P.O.V.

  Yeah. It is possible that teleportation is his power. Or maybe a copycat or speed power. It had to be something like that, cause I was gone one minute and the next one I appeared in that box. And then when I finally got out, I noticed we were all the way in the basement. We have to find out what was his power, and solve this mystery.

Caleb's P.O.V.

  Yeah! Oh and what about that noise in the other room in the basement? The fist room we searched cause we heard something. Then when we went in, there was nothing in that room. There wasn't any box for someone to fit in, or not even a door for someone to escape. And the sound did come from that room, because we all heard it come from there.

Cole- I wonder what it was?

  Well guys, I guess we have two mysteries. Oh and remember that today in P.T. we'll be training. I'm really looking forward to that class.


Coach Johnson's P.O.V.

  Good afternoon class! (sees Cole entering the gym with the others) Oh, I see our missing student slash classmate is back. I'm so sorry I couldn't do any thing to help look for you. And I heard what happened. Who would of thought the school guard did it? And I'm so happy that your alright. And we're all happy to have you back!

Cole- Thanks. (says shyly) I'm glad to be back too. I couldn't wait to get out of that wooden box. I was starting to get claustrophobic.

  For how much time were you in there?

Cole- Like (thinks to himself). A day.

  Wow. That was a long time. Thank God your brother and Nick got there just on time. Only God knows what would of happened if they wouldn't of got there just on time.

Cole- Yeah. (looks at Caleb and Nick)

  Well thank God your fine... Ok Lets get to it. Class starts now!  So we're all done with introducing ourselves. To those that weren't here yesterday. My name is Mike Johnson, you can call me coach "Mick", coach "Johnson" or "Coach". Which ever you want.  And I know you're all wondering what is my power. Cause I still haven told any one in this class. My power is copycatting.

Class- Wow, Cool, Awesome, Nice, I wish I had that power!

  You might be wondering, what dose a copycat do? Well a copycat can copy anyone's power, with just one touch. With just one touch, that person's power passes on to me. It doesn't drain the powers from that person, the person keeps there powers normally, like nothing happened. This power is perfect for my job, because I can help you master your powers, just like I have master mine. I do have two teachers helper to make my job a little essayer. Darcy and Jake come out here please! (they enter the gym through the back door) Darcy is a "healer" and Jake is a "element bender". They will be helping me with students that have these powers or similar ones. Ok I'll be dividing the class up according to your powers. Serena, William, Isabelle, Cole, Caleb, Ashley, Britney, Ruben, Carl, and Kim, you are with me. Amanda, June, Eddy, Josh, Lilly, Fred, and Eric, your with Miss Darcy. Nick, Cindy, Lola, Fin, Gabriel, Hanna, and Rob, are with Mr. Jake. I hope you all enjoy your coaches for the rest of the semester...

Mr. Jake's P.O.V.

  Ok! Come on the ones that are with me! (they move to the left side of the gym) Lets get started. So as you all know I'm an element bender. I bend water, air, fire, and earth. And I see that I have students that bend each element. Good! Now students tell me what element you bend.

Nick- I'm a water bender.

Cindy- Earth bender.

Lola- I fire bend.

Fin- I'm a fire bender.

Gabriel- I'm a water bender.

Hanna- Air bender.

Rob- I air bend too.

  You're gonna learn a lot with me. Ok, lets begin! Fire benders will practice on throwing fire balls at that target across the room. Air benders will practice on slicing apples with air. Water benders will practice rising the water that's in that bucket. And earth benders will practice on tossing and dodging rocks at each other.

Fin- Well this is easy.

  I know, we're starting of small.

Nick- I like this exercise. It helps me flow the water better.

  Yeah, that's the point.

Miss Darcy's P.O.V.

  Ok, my healers. We should start with the basic of healing. What we're going to do today is healing a bee sting.

Amanda- Who's the person that's going to be stung?

  The bees are going to sting us.

Amanda- Oh. Why us? (says to herself)

  Ok, everyone grab the bee. And now squeeze the bee on to your arms.

Students- Ah, Uh, Ouch!

  Now just put your hand on top of the other arm and move it across (they do as she said). And there. Wasn't that easy! Ok, the next thing we're gonna do is...


Caleb's P.O.V.

  Well that was a fun training! So what did you guys learn? (says while they walk out of the gym)

Isabelle-  Well I guess I learned that we shape shifters that shift into humans can't shift to anything else, like animals or even objects. So that means that I already "mastered" my power...

Nick- I learned that when I'm controlling the water I have to let it flow more.

Amanda- I didn't learn anything. First We healed a bee sting. Then a cut, and a bruise. Nothing new for me.

Cole- Well I'm in the process of learning how to go through things.

And I learned that with enough practice, I'll get to glow so bright I can burn stuff. Oh, and after school is over, lets all meet up at the entrance to the basement. I want to find that noise.

**Author's note**

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                                                           Yours truly- Kenn

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