Chapter 20

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Amanda's P.O.V.

  Yeah... He's really nice, sweet, and very cute.

Martha- I' am so happy for you baby, that you found such a good guy.

  Thank you Mom! (someone knocks on the door) Oh that most be Cole. We're going out for lunch. Be right there Cole! (screams at the person behind the door)

Cole- Ok, but try to hurry! (yells back)

  Well Mom, I have to go. I'll call you tomorrow!

Martha- Ok honey. Have fun and be safe. Love you!

  Love you too. Oh and give Dad and Lara a big hug from me! Bye!

Martha- Yeah I will and bye!

(hangs up phone and walks to the door and opens it) Read to go? (gasp) Oh My God! What happened to you! (sees Cole's bleeding forehead)

Cole- I bumped into a rusty poll on my way here.

   Come on (pulls him by the hand) sit on the bed. (sits next to him) This may sting a little.

Cole- It's ok. I can hold back the pain (smiles at her, with a worried look on his face)

  You're gonna be fine. (places her hand almost on top of his forehead and moves it around the bloody cut) There. It's completely gone. Not even a scar.

Cole- Thank you luv. I had no doubt that you could heal me. (closes his eyes and leans to kiss her)

  So are we still on for lunch?

Cole- Hehe, yeah. Lets go.

Serena's P.O.V.

  Look guys I bought a new H-phone, and back at my dorm I have a H-laptop and H-T.V!

Jason- You bought all that with your share?

  Yeah and I still have some more that I want to save.

Jason- I still haven't spent my money yet.

Ashley- Me either! I don't even know what to do with so much money?

  It was easy for me! And next semester, we'll be steeling again.

Fin- More money! (says with excitement)

  Yup! And It's only gonna get easier for us. And you Britney? Did you already buy something with your money?

Britney- Uh. No.

  Don't know what to buy wet?

Britney- Mm. No.

Fin- What's wrong, Brit?

Britney- I-I've been thinking about all of this. And I think this was a bad idea...

  Steeling money? A bad idea? Are you crazy?

Britney- I guess I am. I don't want to do this any more.

Ashley- But why? You think you deserve more money?

Britney- No, you got it all wrong! I don't want more money, I don't want this money.

  Huh? What got into you?

Britney- I don't know, maybe my conscience. Something that you guys apparently do not have.

  Well if you don't want the money its ok. We'll just take it! But if you want to quit our group, you can't.

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