Chapter 18

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Cole's P.O.V.

Come on guys. Lets head back to Jason.

Isabelle- Can we kill him now? Like can't Nick just blow up his frozen crap face.

Nick- Yeah! I can totally do that!

Guys, we're not going to kill him. That would send us to jail. (they walk back to the park)

Amanda- Hey! Aren't you coming, Caleb? (looks back)

Caleb- We almost had them. (he whispers)

What? I couldn't hear you? (turns around to face him)

Caleb- They were right there! And we couldn't make it...

Nick- We'll get them next time. Its not like the left the academy, mate. (walks toward Caleb)

Yeah, we'll be better prepared next time we see them. (pats Caleb's back)

Caleb- No, you don't understand! (pushes Cole's hand way)

Hey man, you don't need to get upset! We can't do nothing right now!

Amanda- Why are you so angry?

Caleb- You guys won't understand! Lets just go back to the park.

Ok? (they walk to the park)

Isabelle's P.O.V.

Excuses me! Hey let me pass people! (screams at the crowd formed around the tiger)

Cole- People! Let us pass! (pushes the people out of the way)

There he is. The most stupid, idiotic, dumb, imbecile guy in the world! I hate you! I wish I had never met you! I hope something really bad happens to you! So you can feel the pain that I've been feeling! I never want to see you again! (screams at the frozen tiger)

Amanda- Let it all out, girl. Huh! The ice is cracking!

Nick- What? Impossible!

That imbecile!

Amanda- Isabelle, move out of the way!

Cole- It's gonna burst! Run, take cover! (warns everyone)

He's shifting to another animal! A stronger and bigger one! (the ice burst into a thousand pieces)

Cole- I got this! (forms a gigantic force field, covering everybody)

Jason- (shifts into a gorilla, and then shifts back to himself) Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt anyone.

You idiot! I hate you!

Jason- I heard you. I heard everything. And I'm sorry I- (gets interrupted)

Mrs. Jones- Hold it! Hoooold it! You six! (stares at them) Look at what you've done to my school! Oh, you six are in so much trouble. To my office! Now!

Nick- What? But we five didn't do anything of this. (points to the gang) This was all Jason!

Yeah! And Serena, Ashley, Fin, oh and Alex! Yeah, Alex! They all did this mess. We were just trying to stop it. Stop them!

Mrs. Jones- Stopping the from what? And remember you can't lie to me!

Stopping them from stealing something. We don't really know. We just saw them with these big, black bags, that looked really heavy.

Mrs. Jones- Ok then. Everybody that is not these six students, should leave right now, or you will get suspended! (everyone leaves quickly)

Samantha- Good luck gang! And you Jason, I hope the very least for you...

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