Chapter 2

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Amanda's P.O.V.

  Bye Mom! Bye Dad! Bye Lara! I'm gonna miss you all so much! Love you guys! (waves at her family and turns around to face the school) Wow! This school is awesome! I haven't gone inside yet and I'm already loving it.  (starts walking towards the entrance) The first thing I'm gonna do is go sing up for clubs and then get my room! I'm so excited! I can't wait to meet new people!

Caleb's P.O.V.

So this is the school? It's ok.

Cole- Hey Caleb, isn't the school so cool! I love it! Let's go inside to get our room together. Are you joking! Get a room together! Me with you?! (Cole goes invisible) Never! (people begin to stare) I'm going to make sure we don't get the same room, the same hall, the same building, not even the same classes I want with you! From now on, we are not twins, or brothers! If you see me around you don't know me. Ok!

Cole- I'm sorry, and ok, I agree we should avoid each other. (says with a sad tune)

Cole's P.O.V.

  My brother is such a drama king. He thinks I don't feel the same way. Being compared to him is the worst thing ever. But he didn't have to do that. Especially in front of all those people. But the jokes on him. While he was shouting at me, I was invisible the whole time. Nobody saw me. They only saw my stupid twin shouting at the air. Hahaha! But yes, Caleb does see me. He's the only person in the world who can see me while I'm invisible. I think is a twin thing. So I can never hide from him, he will always see me.

Isabelle's P.O.V.

  I can't believe I'm actually here. (walks through the main doors and looks around) This school is better than what I though. My older Brother went to this school also. He told me it was really cool, the classes are kind of hard, and the clubs are the best. The first place I'm going to, is club sign up sheets. Then I'll go get my room and room mate. I don't know who is it going to be yet and how is it going to go for me, living with some one else that I've never known, in the same room. I hope I get some one who's really nice, fun, and clean. Yeah I'm kind of a neat freak.

Nick's P.O.V.

  I'm so mad. My flight was delayed, I don't even know why. Now I'll be in America tomorrow, when I was supposed to be there like 3 hours ago, all ready prepared for class tomorrow. I'm going to be late to get my room, my room mate, and my class schedule. And tomorrow we start taking class. I'm gonna miss on a lot of things...


Amanda's P.O.V.

  Excuse me. Hi! Is there more sign up sheets for the drama club try outs.

Isabelle- Oh, Hi! Yeah there's more under that one. (hands Amanda a sheet)

  Oh, thank you... (writes her name on the sheet) Done! Already signed up in drama, cheer leading, and volleyball.

Isabelle- Wow! You signed up for all of those clubs? I'm only trying out for drama.

  Yeah I love clubs! And I hope we both get to be in the drama club. I'm Amanda by the way.

Isabelle- Yeah, me too. Oh I'm Isabelle.

  Well nice too meet you Isabelle. I have to leave now. Bye! (waves at Isabelle)

Isabelle- Bye! See you around Amanda!

Cole's P.O.V.

  When I went to the room they assigned me, there was a note on the door. The note said...

         - Dear Cole Sugg, You will be alone in this dorm until your room mate arrives from Australia. Please hand him this extra key of this dorm room.

  So I have this dorm all for myself until the Australian guy arrives. I know that, until now, my day has been better than Caleb's. I wonder how he's passing it.

Isabelle's P.O.V.

  You will not believe who I fond in my dorm. When I opened the door I see Amanda unpacking her stuff. I was so surprised...

  Hey Amanda!

Amanda- Huh? Oh My God! Hey, Isabelle was it? What are you doing here?

  Yeah Isabelle... This is my room...

Amanda- No this is my room!? Unless we're room mates! (stands up from the floor and jumps two times)

  Yeah. I guess we are...

Amanda- That's so cool! We're gonna get along just fine, I can tell!

  So what's your power? (starts unpacking)

Amanda- I'm a healer! And you?

  I shape shift.

Amanda- Wow that's cool! Can you turn into me?!

  Yeah! (shape shifts into Amanda)

Amanda- Wow! That is so cool you look just like me!

  I can also talk like you!

Amanda- OMG! (screams) That's so cool!

Caleb's P.O.V.

  Thanks God I didn't get stuck with my brother. I got a dorm for away from him. Even though I don't really like my room mate Fin. Fin's power is Fire bending. I need to be careful with him. I can't leave my stuff close to him. Especially my keyboard, guitar, and bass...

Fin- Hey dude how does this sound?! (plays the bass badly)

  Hey! Don't touch thaaaat! (screams at Fin)

**Author's note**

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                                                           Yours truly- Kenn

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