The Regeneration That Lead To This

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The Doctor yelled as laser blasts shot past him. He bobbed and weeved, trying to avoid them as he continued to his ship. He knew he shouldn't of stuck around. Especially on a Tuesday. Bad things always seem to happen on a Tuesday.

"I HAVE SAID SORRY MULTIPLE TIMES!" He yelled, jumping over a hole in the ground in front of him. He stumbled as his feet returned contact with the ground, but continued to run. "IS IT REALLY SO HARD TO FORGIVE AND FORGE-That is the wrong question to be asking!" The Doctor finished his exclamation with a mutter to himself.

The tardis was in sight as the Doctor narrowly avoided another laser blast. He shook his head, determined to make it to his ship in one piece. He sped up his running, if possible, and hoped neither of his hearts would give out.

"I need to run more, how have I not installed a gym by the pool?.." He muttered, just narrowly avoiding a laser hitting his head. He let out an exasperated squeal as he got closer to the tardis.

It was only a few more steps. He was so close to the safety of his ship. He grabbed hold of the knob, pushing it open when a sudden pain spread from his back. The Doctor cried out, falling forward into the ship.

"Son of a cyberman!" He cried out. He propelled himself forward with his legs, trying to get complete safety. He could hear the rushing footsteps enclosing. He cried out again, feeling his feet scoot onto the tardis floor. He twisted frantically, kicking at the door to get it closed.

"Oh this'll hurt so much worse if you don't help me out here..." He groaned. Finally, with the creatures only steps away, his foot found the door and slammed it closed. "Oh, thank you, thank you..." He sighed, leaning his head back against the floor.

The pain of the shot in his back was spreading. This was bad. He was alone here, and he was dying. Well, not really dying, being a time lord and all. It still hurt. He was still alone at the moment.

There was pounding on the ship's door. Dying would have to wait. He rolled onto his stomach and began to crawl towards the controls.

"Stairs, why'd there have to be stairs, who designed this?"

He grabbed the railing of the stairs and pulled himself upright. He let out a low groan, leaning against the railing as he forced himself up the steps.

"C'mon, don't give out just yet..." He muttered to himself, throwing himself from the railing to the machine's control panel. His legs slid, almost making him loose his balance, but he gripped the panel tightly. He gasped in air, furiously slamming buttons and pulling levers.

"Take me anywhere but here, old girl..." The Doctor sighed as his vision became spotty. He felt himself slip from the control panel, but the sound of the ship taking off was still audible to him.

He smiled, despite the pain that was engulfing him. "Nasty tempered, but one hell of a shot when they get lucky enough..." He laughed with a groan. He tilted his head and saw the shimmering light erupting from his sleeve. It began to coat his hand and spread all over his body. "Really hope I'm a ginger..." He grinned before there was a burst of blinding light, then darkness.

The doctor sat up quickly, sucking in a deep breath of air as he did so. His eyes were wide as he looked around, taking in the familiar room around him.

"Bloody hell..." He spoke through gasps of air. His eyes widened at the sound of his voice. "Oooh... That's a change." He marveled over the sound of his new voice, being something entirely new to him. "Am I American?"

He pushed himself up from the floor before feeling his face.

"Nose... Two ears... One eye-No, Two eyes! Oh, feel that jawline..." He giggled contently before working his hands up into his hair. "Oh, it's long?.. Am I a girl!?" His hands jumped immediately to his chest, "Nope, drat... That would of been fun..."

A hissing noise came from the tardis' consul, making the Doctor turn to it. He walked over, casually flipping a switch and observing his current coordinates.

"How funny, I regenerate American and it takes me to America." He mused with a grin on his face, "Oh, this is all so new and I love it..." He put his hands on his hips with an exclamation of delight. "Got a nice tushie as well! Thank you regeneration."

He spun on his heels, looking around his ship's main control room. It seemed a bit bigger before... Had he shrunk? Oh well, just another new perspective he'd get to live in.

"Shall I see where you took me, you sexy thing?" The Doctor asked, turning and patting the control panel affectionately. He hurried to the stairs, but stopped when he stuck his foot out for the initial step down.

"Oh dear, desert planet really took a toll." He frowned at his outfit. He had really enjoyed that one... Although, it just didn't feel as right anymore... He grinned as he realized what this meant for him.

"Wardrobe change!" He laughed, looking over in the direction of his closet. "It has been too long!" He changed the direction of his footing and started over in that direction. He threw the doors open dramatically and looked around inside.

The racks were lined with every color and style of clothing imaginable. Even a suit that projected whatever the onlooker thought should be there, but that's not what the Doctor was after. He wanted something simple... With a small flair.

His eye was drawn to the blue section of clothing. He wandered over, looking over the different shades. His fingers brushed against a black suit at the end of the selection and stopped. That was it. That was the one. Something simple that could be easily dressed up. He grinned, pulling it from the hanger and spinning to look around the room. A wide grin crossed over his face as he saw the perfect combinations fit together in his mind.

"Fantastic!" He laughed. He began hurrying across the room, but stopped himself. "Fantastic. I feel like I've used that one before. New me, new line." He nodded to himself before rushing across the room.

The Doctor was so busy slipping into his new outfit, that he didn't hear the tardis door be pushed open. He was too preoccupied to hear the soft voice call out before the short figure slipped inside.

The newcomer pushed his dark hair away from his face, revealing wide eyes. He looked around the large room, a bit afraid to step further inside. He jumped at the exclamation he heard from somewhere inside.

"A ginger! I'm finally a ginger!.. Thought it would be more exciting, honestly." The voice laughed in amazement.

The boy that wandered into the strange, blue box jumped at the voice, accidentally bumping the door that he had wandered into and sending it slamming closed. He spun immediately, reaching out to tug it back open. He let out a squeal as another sound of a door closing from within the large whatever this was echoed.

"Time to show off my new-" The same voice that had exclaimed about being a ginger, for some reason, was coming close. He stopped mid sentence when he noticed the human that was tugging at the tardis' door. The dark haired boy stopped, turning his wide eyes to him.

The Doctor smiled. "Well, hello."

A/N~ YOOO I am a sucker for crossover things sooooo Doctor!Gerard and Companion!Frank

Oooo this is gunna be fun. No idea what I'm doin', but it's gonna be a blast

Hopefully future updates will be longer as well

~Skittles Out~

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