Past Faces & Relations

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The Doctor was stepping back onto the ship himself when there was a thudding noise behind him. He spun on his heels, quickly whipping out his sonic as he did so, and pointed it at a figure face down in the snow. The figure had a dark trench coat covering his body, and short dark hair on top of his head.

"Alright, who is it?" The Doctor asked, stepping forward to tap the figure with his foot.

The figure just groaned before pushing himself up. The familiar face flashed a grin at the Doctor. "Hello."

"Jack, what in the bloody hell are you doing in the 1840's!?" The Doctor exclaimed, causing Frank to peak out of his ship.

"Would you believe weeping angels? Those tricky statues." Jack muttered as he stood upright, dusting himself off. He looked back at the Doctor and tilted his head. "Finally a ginger, I see."

The Doctor's face lit up with excitement. "I know! It's neato, right? Only took several hundred years."

Frank stepped out of the tardis, keeping his hand on the door as he watched the exchange. The man the Doctor had called Jack took notice, smiling over at the shorter man.

"Well, hello." He said, flashing a smile that made Frank give a timid one in response.

"Oh, no. Don't you start!" The Doctor exclaimed, shaking his sonic at Jack.

Jack laughed, "I was only saying hello, Doctor."

"Yea, yea. Hello always leads to other things with you. Rather quickly, I might add."

"Always consensual, Doctor."

"Yes, but no." The Doctor said with a look that also said no without words. "Now, do you need a lift? Not like this is the first time I've run into you, Harkness."

"Please." Jack nodded.

The Doctor lead him to the tardis doors, gesturing for Frank to slip inside as well. Frank stood off to the side of the doors as the two other men came inside. Jack stopped and extended his hand to Frank.

"Captain Jack Harkness." He introduced himself.

Frank held out his own hand to shake, getting caught in Jack's strong grip. "Frank Iero."

"It's a pleasure." Jack winked.

"Jack!" The Doctor called from the controls with a warning tone. Jack just grinned before going to hurry up the steps.

Frank looked up at the main panel where the two were conversing. They talked like old friends, both smiling warmly at each other and smoothly chatting. Frank felt a bit out of place, being the only one not so familiar with the strangeness of this. Although, it seemed to be more normal for them.

"Frankie! Don't be shy, come on up!" The Doctor called down, gesturing for the human to stand with them. "I'd say he doesn't bite, but I can never be too sure with him."

"Only under certain circumstances, Doctor." Jack grinned.

Frank hurried up the steps and stood next to the Doctor. He smiled at Frank before looking back at Jack. "You're sure it was weeping angels?"

"As sure as possible, seeing as you broke my time toy awhile ago."

"Yeaaaa, not really sorry about that."

"I'm sorry, a weeping what?" Frank asked, interrupting the conversation that he was getting lost in.

Jack looked at Frank with the raise of an eyebrow. "How long have you been with him, kid?" He asked.

"Not long enough to know about angels." The Doctor replied for Frank with a frown on his face. "Definitely not a creature I feel like revisiting..."

When The Doctor Was Me (Frerard Doctor Who AU)Where stories live. Discover now