Coincidence? I Think Not

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The Doctor tapped the boys cheek a few times before groaning. He was out. He should of given the boy the advice of not to lock his knees earlier, could have prevented this mess.

"Now, I'm sure I still have you in here, somewhere..." The Doctor muttered, pulling his jacket forward and searching through its inner pockets. He let out an exclamation of success, retracting his hand. In his grip, was his sonic screwdriver.

"Knew I still had you." The Doctor grinned, kissing its silver exterior before looking back at the boy on his ship's floor. He pointed the sonic at the boys head and trailed it down his body. As he did, it lit up green with a faint buzzing noise. When he was done, the light and noise ceased as he snapped it close to his face to look at the results.

"Yeaaaaa, you're fine." The Doctor nodded to himself, "Human. Got it right. Must be on earth, hopefully."

He stuffed his sonic back in the pocket of his suit jacket and turned to the door. He was curious as to where he had landed. He wasn't really set on a location, just somewhere away from that planet and time. He jumped over and pulled open the door, peaking out.

"Why am I in the toilet?" He commented, looking around the small space. "Oh dear... Must belong to that dark haired fellow."

The Doctor closed the door and turned back to the figure on his floor. He took longer to look at him now, seeing as he knew he would be fine.

The human was wearing a dark hoodie, as well as black pajama pants with cackling pumpkins on them. His hair was long and a bit unkept, like he had just shook it madly. His face was very defined. As the Doctor's eyes trailed to the stranger's neck, he saw hints of color to his skin.

"I wonder who you are..." The Doctor thought out loud, "Wonder what year it is. Probably somewhere two thousandish. Tardis seems to like that time period. It is fun." He grinned to himself, looking up at the control panel.

He was going to run up, when he looked back down at the human. He couldn't leave him there on the floor. The Doctor sighed before leaning down and scooping the shorter human in his arms. He huffed slightly, holding the unconscious figure close.

"Blimey, I haven't had a proper workout in far too long." The Doctor muttered, walking over to the tardis' door. He pulled it open and stepped out of his ship. He walked through the bathroom and peaked out. It was just a hallway, with a living room at one end, and a bedroom at the other.

"That's where we need to go." The Doctor nodded towards the bedroom, carrying the human over. Inside the room, it's pretty empty except for the bed in the middle of the room. The Doctor walked over, about to set the human on the mattress, when the human in his arm cried out. The Doctor cried out as well, dropping the human.

He bounced against the bed before scrambling into an upright position. "What the hell!?" He cried out, pulling a blanket up to cover himself.

"It's not like you're naked! I didn't probe you, I'm not that kind of alien!" The Doctor exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.

"What even are you?" The human asked, unsureness and fear completely invading his expression. "Why were you in my bathroom!?"

The Doctor sighed. "I am the Doctor. I'm a time lord, last of my kind, and such. The bathroom bit is a bit harder to explain..." He scratched the back of his head as he explained.

"A time lord?" The human questioned, lowering the blanket. "How are you the last of your kind?"

"It's... A long story."

"Alright, why Doctor then?"

"I'm not quite sure, to be honest? It just kind of happened I suppose."

When The Doctor Was Me (Frerard Doctor Who AU)Where stories live. Discover now