Companions Never Listen to "Stay Put"

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Meanwhile, the Doctor was backing into a corner with Captain Jack Harkness as the weeping angels grew closer. Snow sprinkled lightly around them as they tried to think of a way out of their current situation.

"How's your backup coming, again?" The Doctor asked, staring straight into the face of one of the stone creatures.

"Hopefully soon." Jack replied, staring down a different statute while simultaneously typing on to his wrist comm. "The past is fun and all, but it does have terrible reception."

"Easier to get a message to the future than the past." The Doctor shrugged before smirking. "Unless you have a time machine."

"Just keep digging deeper with that, why don't ya." Jack laughed, feeling his eyes grow watery. "Why don't we go back and warn past Jack not to go into the spooky old building that was obviously no good?"

The Doctor laughed this time, "No fun in that, is there?"

Jack grinned. "Oh, Doctor, I can think of a much more fun time if I can let my imagination wander for a moment."

"Does it even take that long for you?" The Doctor asked as he tried to think a way out of their current situation. "How far are we from Cardiff?"

Jack took a moment before replying. "Far enough, it seems like... We really could of used the short kid's eyes for this."

The Doctor shook his head. "No. He's going to stay put on the tardis, like I said."

"Does that ever really work though, Doctor?"

The Doctor let out a soft groan, only hoping that Frank would be slightly different from his past companions in that aspect. "Don't remind me."


Frank was tugging at the tardis door, begging for it to open. He had sat at the control panel for only a few minutes before he decided he could do something. If he could get out, he'd help the Doctor and Jack, whether they liked it or not.

"C'mon, just a crack!" Frank begged the time machine, using his full body weight to tug against the unbudging door. "The Doctor needs me! This is serious!"

Frank's palms were sweaty from his persistence to get the door open. Sweaty to the point that on his next tug at the handle, his grip slipped and he was sent flying backwards.

Frank let out a cry as he fell against the floor, sliding a bit and hitting his head. He only allowed himself to be down for a moment before he rolled over onto his hands and knees, turning to face the door once again.

"If you could just open for, I dunno, ten seconds." He muttered, lowly, pushing himself back up to his feet. "That would be great."

He groaned in frustration. He was resorting to talking to a ship. It felt as useless as trying to talk to the hologram earlier. He just needed out. He needed to find the Doctor to help him. He wanted to prove himself.

"What do you want from me?" Frank asked the empty air, throwing his head back with an irritated groan. How hard could it really be to get a door open? He remembered how his friend had once kicked a giant hole through a wall, and he was nearly the same height as Frank.

"I know you won't let me do that..." Frank sighed as he thought out loud, "You're not really giving me many options, either..."

Frank slowly crossed over the space between the door and himself. Once close enough, he let his head fall against the colored wood, simply resting his forehead there.

"I just want him safe, as much as he wants me safe..." Frank said after a few moments of silence, "I just can't be sure of his safety from in here... Then, what if he never comes back? What am I supposed to do?.."

When The Doctor Was Me (Frerard Doctor Who AU)Where stories live. Discover now