The Fear Of...

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"So, where are we?" Frank asked as he stumbled back down the hall, having changed into a tee shirt and some pants.

The Doctor looked up at the human. "Dunno, haven't checked yet. Do you have a preference?" He asked.

Frank just grinned. "You can take me anywhere the wind blows. I'll take the ride into the great unknown." He laughed as he hurried down the steps to the main panel. He was careful to hold onto the railings, however, because he still felt a bit uneasy on his feet.

The Doctor grinned at him. "Let's go see then, shall we?"

He hurried down the steps, while Frank followed at a slightly slower speed. The Doctor waited for Frank to be just a few feet away before he pushed the door open. They were greeted by a dark room, and small gasps. A look of confusion passed over the Doctor's face as he pulled out his sonic and illuminated it. He stepped out of the tardis and Frank followed his lead; the tardis door shut quickly behind them, making them jump.

"Hello?" The Doctor called out, "Anyone here?" He pointed the sonic out at an even level, revealing the walls of a room. However, no one to account for the gasp they had heard.

"You're not supposed to be here." A soft, childish voice whispered.

The Doctor pointed his sonic lower to be greeted by a small girl in a lacy onsie. She looked at him with wide eyes as she clutched a teddy bear on one hand, and a binkie in the other. She seemed like a normal little girl, except for her hair. For some reason, it was half dark and half blond.

"Who's not supposed to be here?" The Doctor asked in a soft, but still questioning voice.

She looked up at the Doctor, moving her index finger close to her mouth. "Grown ups..." She whispered, stepping backwards.

As she stepped back, more whimpering could be heard. The Doctor moved the position of the sonic to be greeted by two small, dark haired figures. One had hair a bit past their shoulders, while the other's was a bit shorter and only a bit past their ears. They looked up at the light with fear on their face.

"It's alright! It's alright." The Doctor spoke in a soothing voice. He moved the sonic's direction up to the ceiling, finding a small light. He clicked a button on the device in his hand, making a buzzing sound echo through the room, and the light popped on, basking the room into illumination.

He nodded in approval before looking back down and slipping the sonic into his pocket. "Don't be scared. I'm the Doctor, and this is Frank."

The girl stood in front of the other two figures, an air of untrusting about her, as she looked between the Doctor and Frank. "I'm experiment six-two-six, but if you were a doctor you'd know that."

"I'm not that kind of Doctor." The time lord replied, squatting down to the girl's level. "I'm not even human. By your introduction, I assume you're not either."

The girl's expression shifted to that of someone who found another person like them. She nodded, pulling her teddy bear close to her chest. "I'm a genetic mutation." She said softly, hugging her bear.

"That's all well and good, but can I know your name?" The Doctor asked, smiling warmly at the girl.

She smiled back. "I'm Melanie. At least, that's what the boys call me..." She turned slightly to point at the huddled figures behind her before swinging back to face the Doctor. "They're Vic and Kellin."

"Don't tell them! What if they're just more nightmares!?" The boy with longer hair scolded, holding the other boy in his arms.

"I don't think so, Vic." Melanie spoke, tilting her head at the two new comers. She took small steps towards them, until she was right in front of the Doctor. "You don't dress like any doctors I know." She whispered, curiously.

When The Doctor Was Me (Frerard Doctor Who AU)Where stories live. Discover now