Rose and Rio

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"She was the first one to come with me after the time wars." The Doctor cracked a smile as he leaned against the railing of a ledge that looked over the different mechanisms of the tardis, "My Rose..."

The Doctor had taken Frank somewhere on the ship that he had never been before. It was impossibily high up, looking down over different lights, machines, and noises. The had come here, and simply began to talk. They had talked before, but never much about the past or those people associated with it.

"She was the first one to help you through it." Frank said, watching smoke rise and disappear near where he was leaning over the railing.

The Doctor laughed, fondly, looking at the wall in front of him. "Oh, Frankie... She was the first one to get me through so many things..." He sighed as he tilted his head, "She was with me for two regenerations..."

"What happened to her?" Frank asked, fearing the worst for his predecessor.

"She was lost to me in another dimension." The small smile returned to his lips, "She still holds a piece of me with her, though... And I'll never forget her."

"I'm sorry, Doctor." Frank looked at the time lord before looking down again. He felt the Doctor's hand pat his shoulder before turned back to him.

"Without her, who knows where I would be." He smiled at Frank, "She saved me, and lead me to so many more adventures. So many new people and experiences. It is sad, but it all really started with Rose..."

"What about your faces before that?" Frank asked, looking the Doctor in the eye now. "I mean... You've had eleven, right?"

The Doctor nodded. "This face makes twelve." He grinned, "First time being a ginger, though. Got the luck of the draw there."

Frank laughed, dropping his head to shake it back and forth. He watched a blue light blink in a slow, rhythmic pattern. Twelve faces... At least Frank was lucky enough to know at least one...

"What about you, Frankie?" The Doctor asked, tapping his feet together. "Have you got a dramatic back story?"

Frank laughed again before sticking his tongue out. "Give me a second to try and make it seem a bit more dramatic compared to yours." He grinned at the Doctor, "I grew up in a small neighborhood with my family. We didn't have much and still don't. Well... I don't, at least. I work in a low income job that barely pays enough to pay for my apartment, let alone a tub repair."

"Now, I have apologized multiple times, Frankie!"

Frank just laughed, resting his forehead on the bar that his arms were draped over. He sighed before continuing lowly, "You know about my grandpa... You gave me a but more time with him, even if he didn't realize..."

The Doctor smiled, scooting closer to Frank. "It was no problem. Your smile is prettier than your frown anyway."

Frank lifted his head to smile at his Doctor. "Same goes for you." He nudged the time lord before biting his lip.

The Doctor said nothing. He scooted closer to Frank, so that they were hip to hip, and leaned his head against him. Frank felt so relaxed by the time lord's closeness, he could of stayed like this for hours. However, he still had a small question nagging the back of his mind.

"Do you still love her?" He asked, almost silently. "Rose, I mean." The Doctor didn't respond at first, making Frank shut his eyes tightly in fear of the worst.

"I will always love Rose." He finally replied, "She left a special mark on me like no one before her had. When she left, I was a mess. I lost my Rose. However, time helps heal, sometimes... And I can learn to love like that again."

When The Doctor Was Me (Frerard Doctor Who AU)Where stories live. Discover now