What Was It That Will Never Hurt You?..

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Frank pushed the tardis doors open, coughing on the smoke that was building inside the ship. He tripped over his own feet, thankfully landing in some soft snow. He continued to cough as he rolled onto his back, looking at tardis as it continued to smoke.

"I THINK WE MAY HAVE BEEN A TAD COMPROMISED!" The Doctor yelled from inside, followed by the sound of fire extinguishers. "WELL, MAYBE NOT COMPRISED SO MUCH AS HIT!"

"They had laser guns!" Frank exclaimed before he was choking on the clean air. It was going to take him a minute to adjust to the new, and hopefully clean, air of wherever they had landed. They hadn't really scoped it, due to the slight emergency on board.


"That worked fantastic, Doctor." Frank groaned, falling back onto the snow. He never really liked the stuff, after many winters spent shoveling the driveway to be rid of it, but its coolness was very welcomed after the heat from the ship.

They had just come back from a planet that didn't really appreciate Frank's lack of knowledge of the strange culture. One mistake had them labeled as traitors to the monarchy, and running while being shot at. They made it out, but the tardis was struck by a laser beam that narrowly avoided Frank.

Frank looked up at the dark, clouded sky while simultaneously watching his visible breath fade up into it. Wherever they landed, it was dark. It had to be night, or else the sky was simply being darkened by smog...

Frank pushed himself into a sitting up position, dusting snow from his jacket. He was just rising to his feet as the clanging of metal filled his ears. Frank looked around, but was only met with dark shadows and silence.

"Hello?" Frank called out, nervously. No one seemed to be out to make that noise, and the wind was nonexistent at the moment.

Deafening silence filled Frank's ears. He almost couldn't even hear the sounds of the Doctor in the tardis anymore.

Something felt very wrong.

Frank stepped back, in the direction of the tardis, slowly. He didn't know what the best approach would be, seeing as nothing seemed to be out there with him...

Unfortunately, something was out there with him. Frank cried out as he was knocked to the powdery snow, sending a small flurry up into the air. There was the sound of ripping, followed by a hiss before a pain seared through Frank's arm.

"AAAAH!" Frank yelled, clutching his arm and rolling in the snow. He shut his eyes tightly, "Doctor!"

"There it goes!" Unfamiliar voices filled Frank's ears as he felt snow get kicked over his torso. His eyes were still closed, but the pain in his arm was subsiding. Whatever had hit him was being chased away.

"Shit, this kid got scratched."

"A scratch is all it takes for those bastards..."

Frank could make out at least three different people, combing the first exclamation he had heard. His eyes felt heavy, but he opened them to have his suspicions confirmed. Three boys, who had to be around Frank's age, stood over him. One had short, curly hairs on his head. The next one had longer, about shoulder length, straight redish hair and glasses. The last one was a bit chubbier than the other two, with his hair concealed by a beanie.

"You okay?" The one with the beanie asked, extending his hand.

"I guess?" Frank replied, reaching up to grab the boy's hand and pull himself to his feet. The pain in his arm had become just a minor tingling now.

"It got you pretty good." The boy with curly hair commented, pointing to Frank's arm.

Frank looked down at it, seeing red staining where what looked like razors had been taken to his sleeve. "Oh god, that wasn't there before..." He muttered, his eyes growing wide.

When The Doctor Was Me (Frerard Doctor Who AU)Where stories live. Discover now