Desert Adieu

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((A/N~ I wish I was better at executing ideas I've had for months... Poor execution will always be my downfall

Also, photo credit to this wicked fan art I found on Google then distorted terribly I'm sorry artist human person that created that, but you can find it if you Google Party Poison!

~Skittles Out~))

Frank was shoved violently to the ground with still blurred vision. He tried to scramble away from who had been holding him, but something metal stomped down on his hand. He screamed in pain, collapsing against the dusty ground.

"Didn't think I'd make it that easy, did you?" The voice laughed before an arm was locked around Frank's throat, cutting off his breathing for a moment. Frank was pulled back up, roughly, gasping for breath. "I need you as bait..."

"F-for what?.." Frank choked out, bringing his hands up to pull against the arm strangling him.

"The Doctor, of course!" The voice exclaimed, "I've learned that you're the weakness to this regeneration. Along with all his others, his biggest is you."

Frank continued to struggle against the grip while trying to distinguish his blurry surroundings. Nothing was clear. The Doctor's biggest weakness? Frank was replaceable, despite what the Doctor always said about him. He had had plenty of companions in the past, what would stop him from finding more in the future?

"A pathetic weakness is another being." The voice continued to fill Frank's ears, "I'll finally get that meddler out of my way through you."

"My Doctor won't fall for it." Frank said through his teeth, "He's gunna beat you, just like before."

A sharp pain began to sting Frank's side, making him cry out. He shut his eyes, getting greeted by the memory of the phantom spear in ancient Egypt. This was the same kind of pain but, when his arm shot down to the spot, there was nothing there.

"Either way, I win." The voice spoke, lowly, before Frank was thrown to the ground again. "Try and find your Doctor. See if it will matter."

Frank opened his eyes, met by a blurry desert landscape. He pushed himself onto his hands and knees and began crawling away from the taunt filled laughter behind him. Eventually, he found the strength to push himself up to his feet. He then ran, stumbling as he did so but, refusing to look back.

He didn't even know where he was going, just away from the voice. He didn't even know what was in front of him, thanks to the blurred vision, but he just knew anything was better than staying there.


The Doctor and Jack both stumbled as they rematerialized in the new landscape. It didn't seem that much different than what they had just left; it was all desert and dust. The only real change was the absence of buildings and life.

"When are we?" The Doctor asked, looking around.

Jack was looking through details on his vortex manipulator. "Same spot... Just 2039." He finally replied.

When The Doctor Was Me (Frerard Doctor Who AU)Where stories live. Discover now