Mission Reports & Stranger Things

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The Doctor hurried to keep up with Silent Strike, who seemed to find the time lord's slight struggle to keep pace amusing. He pointed at one of the solid buildings before ducking inside. The Doctor groaned silently to himself before forcing his legs to move a bit faster to get inside as well.

Inside, he was greeted by one of the last things he would expect here.


The captain grinned at the Doctor, tapping the shoulder of the dark haired man next to him. "Doctor!" He greeted, opening his arms and going in for a hug. "Told you that you'd seen me soon."

The Doctor pulled away from the hug with disbelief. "What are you doing here, Jack, and where is here?"

Jack grinned. "Sorry, Doctor, but that's not my name here. I'm called, what is it again, Ianto?"

The man next to him rolled his eyes. "Atomic Thrusts, sir."

"That's the ticket!" Jack grinned wider as the Doctor looked at Ianto in disbelief.

"Ianto Jones?" The Doctor questioned, looking the taller man before him up and down. "What year is this?"

"2019." Ianto replied, "In horribly hot California. I miss Cardiff."

The Doctor squinted at Ianto. This wasn't right; Ianto didn't make it past 2009. How could he be here? Perhaps he had entered an alternative time line?.. Although, the future is always changing... Perhaps circumstances for that incident did as well.

"You know each other?" Silent Strike asked, tilting his head at the three. He pouted when they nodded. "Taking away the fun of introductions..." He sighed, looking up at the ceiling.

Jack laughed, leaning against Ianto as he grinned at Strike. "You'll get plenty of fun later."

"Don't excite me." Strike winked before turning back to the Doctor, "You need a wardrobe change."

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" The Doctor pouted, "I quite like my clothes."

"A bit impractical for this space in time, sir." Ianto spoke as he tugged at his black jacket. His style seemed much simpler compared to everyone the Doctor had encountered so far, with only a plain white shirt underneath the jacket. Even Jack had blue accents on his jacket and a navy blue shirt underneath.

The Doctor sighed, but nodded. "Alright, what do ya reckon for someone like me?"

Strike hummed, pushing his lips out slightly as he looked the time lord up and down. His eyes finally rested just above his eyeline. "That hair is hot." He smirked, "I can work with that."

The Doctor looked uneasily at a laughing Jack and Ianto. "What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean?" He asked as Strike shot like a rocket out of sight.

"You'll see." Was all the Doctor received in a giggled response.


Frank groaned as he pushed the car towards the garage. It was definitely heavier than it looked, possibly due to the age of the vehicle. Or the fact that Frank didn't work out that much.

"Here's good!" Disturbance called out, tapping the driver's door with his open hand. When Frank stopped pushing, he climbed out of the vehicle and grinned at Frank. "Come meet our mechanic."

"What's his name?" Frank asked, wiping sweat off his brow.

Disturbance laughed, shaking his head. "Her name is Gasoline Threat Angel. Although, she goes by any of the three."

When The Doctor Was Me (Frerard Doctor Who AU)Where stories live. Discover now